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"We should take camp here," I announced as we reached a small clearing in the forest we were currently walking through.

"Alright," Inoiché nodded, placing the bag over his shoulder on the floor and stretching. Choro sat down as well, placing 'Jaz' down on the ground in front of him.

"I'll go get some firewood, you guys set up," I said, they nodded, and I walked away.

I walked around the forest, picking up loose twigs and dry leaves as I walked. Turning, I was about to go back to camp when I noticed a ruin sort of area.

What's the saying again?

Curiosity killed the cat.

I hope that's not true.

That's all I thought as I walked up to the ruin. Opening my left eye and closing my right eye, I look at the building and focus on the image, trying to reimagine the building before the state it was in now.

My vision flickered and the wrecked stones returned to a sturdy structure of what looked like to be a meeting hall or something. I walked in and looked around, visions of people walking around flashed across my vision. They walked around in pairs or groups, arms filled with papers and files before they all settled around a large table in the centre of the room.

It seemed like they were in a serious meeting before suddenly people slammed hands on the table, standing up as well and getting into a heated argument. It seemed to drag on for a few moments before all the heads snapped towards the door and a man came waltzing in.

He approached them, they exchanged a few words and then the new man started doing hand signs, the cloak wrapped around his shoulders lifted slightly to reveal the Uchiha crest on his shoulder.

A large ball of blistering heat took over the whole building. As the Uchiha's signature fireball jutsu swallowed up the walls, furniture and the people within it.

I closed my left eye and opened my right eye back up. The building returned to its ruined state and the heat vanished.

"I wonder what they did to provoke the Uchiha clan..." I whispered to myself before remembering that I was on a mission and quickly walked back to the camp where Inoiché was playing with 'Jaz' and Choro was skinning two poor rabbits that clearly were the unlucky ones to be out here at the moment.

"Where have you been?" Choro asked, I shrugged and placed the leaves and twigs down before watching Choro set a fire and start cooking.

"Anything interesting out there?" Inoiché asked.

"There's a ruin a little down the path but I don't think it's anything to be concerned about," I replied, lying down and staring up at the clouds.


"Let's see, I spy with my little eye something beginning with..." I looked around until my eyes landed on a puddle, "p."

Everyone started looking around until 'Jaz' pointed to the puddle.

"Yes, your turn," I nodded, she looks around before writing down the letter 'n'.

"Ninja?" Choro asked, 'Jaz' nodded before pointing forward.

We all looked forward and see ninja.

"Rain ninja, quick, protect 'Jaz'!" Inoiché shouted as we got into formation.

The ninja lunged forward and tried to slice us with (what was really obviously) a poison covered gauntlet knives.

"Shadow monster jutsu," I called after doing my hand signs, the shadows jumped up and took forms of my shadow figures.

"N-no way its Shikarei Nara, master of the shadows," one of the rain nin gasped.

"The Daimyo really put thought into the escorts for this child when he put the request in," the other nin grumbled.

"I'll handle them, get moving," I peer back at my team, "this'll be over quick."

The two of them nodded and Choro picked the girl up before they both went jumping away.

"Don't act all cocky little girl, just because you have a reputation doesn't mean you're stronger than us," the first rain nin glared at me.

I swapped my eyes around, using my left eye instead of my right.

"I have a secret technique," I told them, "it's called the arc of time."

They looked at me in fear as I sprinted forward and placed a finger on both of their foreheads and then forced time to move forward quicker that it was supposed to for them.

I stepped away and swapped my eyes around again and watched as they both aged and aged until eventually they were just a pile of ash on the ground.

"Don't underestimate those you do not know," I muttered before jumping after my team.

"Done already?" Inoiché asked as I started jumping through the treetops beside him.

"They weren't particularly strong," I told them, "but we need to stay on guard at all times now."

"Yes," Inoiché and Choro both agreed.


"Thank you for bringing my niece home to me," Lord Diamyo hugged the girl and thanked the three of us.

"No problem, it was not easy," Choro replied, stretching as he did. We all stood normally, we really have problems with respecting higher ups, probably always will but who cares right?

"If you wish to rest then please, we have spare rooms," the Diamyo gestured to the area around us. We all shook our heads.

Even though the past few days has been filled with running, fighting and random rogue ninja and mercenary attacks, I want to go home.

"No, we should head straight home," Inoiché told him, "we have other missions to be prepared for."

"Understood, have a safe journey home and please, visit again," he told us as we left the room.

"Alright, let's go at full speed and we'll be back by dawn," I told them, stretching before sprinting off, the boys following close behind.

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