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Ren's PoV

"Oh god, Asuma," I looked past Inoiché to where Ino, Choji and Shikamaru were all kneeling around Asuma's bleeding out body. Ino was trying to heal him.

"Ino move," I skidded over, she looked to me in surprise before nodding and moving out of the way. I looked over the wound and frowned before hovering my hands over Asuma's lower abdomen.

"Choro, tell Shikarei Asuma is dying," I looked up to the red hair nin, he nodded and jogged back to the edge of the roof.

"Shikarei! We have a casualty!" Choro shouted, "Asuma is dying."

I heard the scraping of metal echo.

"I'll be up, I can reverse the wound!" Shikarei's voice returned, Shikamaru looked up in horror and stood up.

"She's not... fighting them, is she?" he asked, his voice shaking a tiny bit.

"She is," I looked to him with seriousness, "don't worry, Shikarei has a lot more tricks under her sleeve than you could ever imagine. She'll be up here soon."

"Shikarei watch out!" Choro suddenly shouted, causing us all to look to the edge of the roof.

"Damn it, Choro go help her," I snapped.

"I can't," Choro walked over to me, "you know I'll just get in the way. She must have a plan if she told both of us to come up here. I don't want to get in her way."

"Well help me then," I nodded to the space in front of me, Choro knelt down and placed his hands on top of mine.

"Why aren't you letting Ino help?" Choro asked, looking at Ino who was sat next to Choji, watching us closely.

"As much as I love her, she's Inoiché's little sister, of course I do. But... She's not skilled enough in medical ninjutsu to keep Asuma alive long enough for Shikarei to get up and here and help him," I replied.

"You're going pale," Choro pointed out, "You're losing chakra too quick."

"I'll be fine," I replied, "it's more chakra than usual because the wound is so bad."

"That's why you're draining my chakra too, huh?" Choro grinned at me, "you know what, considering we're going to be sat here for a while. Why don't you tell me about that girl you like from the hidden snow?"

"You really know how to choose your conversation topics, don't you?" I rolled my eyes.

Shikarei's PoV

My shadow monsters attacked Hidan and Kakuzu.

Hidan's scythe came zipping in my direction, I quickly dropped to the floor and rolled out of the way as the scythe was dragged down and cut into the floor.

Looking up, I watch my shadow monsters all disappear and then push myself up off the floor. Before pulling out two chakra metal kunai and sprinted forward, pushing my chakra into the blades before swinging at Hidan. He ducked and pulled his scythe back, quickly forcing me to change the direction of my swing to catching the blade of the scythe between each of the kunai and pushed against it as Hidan pushed to me.

I started to slack as my muscles burned. My grip on my kunai began to slip slightly and I started to internally freak out. If he gets any of my blood, I'm done for...

Just as my grip was about to completely give in Kakuzu intervened.

"That's enough, Hidan, we can finish this later. Pain wants us," he announced, Hidan added extra strength against the scythe and cut from my right shoulder down to my left hip. I let out a shout of agony as he stepped away.

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