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"Yeah, yeah, just keep doing what you're doing, kid," a dismissive voice of a certain white-haired pervert hit my ears as I looked down over the cliffs edge to see some female villagers playing around in the lake at the bottom of the waterfall and a certain blonde in a bright orange outfit was sat on the other side of a hedgerow separating the two areas while the pervert was peeping on the ladies.

"Shadow possession jutsu," I mumbled after doing the hand signs and then watching as my shadow went down the cliff and attached to Jiraiya's shadow. I raised my arms and so did he.

"What the--?" I heard his questioning tone and walked down to them.

"Good afternoon, Master Jiraiya," I greeted the old man, "and Naruto too."

"Shikarei!" Naruto lunged at me and squeezed me into a hug. I smiled and hugged back before patting his head to let me go. He did and grinned at me.

"You came to see the next Hokage right?" he asked, I nodded.

"Sure did, the next Hokage and his mentor," I replied with a nod, Jiraiya looked irritated to be named his mentor.

"I'm not his mentor, he just wouldn't leave me alone," he told me, I laughed and ruffled Naruto's hair.

"That's the best bit about Naruto, here," I told him, "he's determined."

"Believe it!" Naruto shot a thumbs up at us as I released my jutsu.

"You're getting a bit of a belly there aren't you, Shikarei?" Jiraiya pointed to my only a little bit fatter stomach. I didn't even notice, no one else noticed. Only him. Of course, it was him.

"No, Jiraiya, I'm not getting fat," I looked at him annoyed.

"Then what-- oh--" his eyes widened, "congrats."

I nodded and huffed slightly as Naruto looked at us back and forth.

"What?" Naruto asked. I shook my head and smiled.

"Don't you worry too much about it," I replied, "I'd like to see what Master Jiraiya is teaching you."

And so, my days after this lead up to the chunin exams where I became a proctor (sorry no Ibiki in this one).


A commotion had erupted from the other side of the classroom doors where everyone waiting to enter the exam was.

The rules were no fighting in this exam so...

"Alright, you guys, settle your asses down," I shouted, everyone silenced and looked to me, "I'm your proctor, Shikarei Nara, and the rules 'no fighting' means no fighting. Learn the meaning some time. Anyway, time for your first exam to begin: the written exam."

Everyone filed in and took their seats.

"Isn't that the master of the shadows?"

"Yeah, it looks like her..."

"I've heard about her! Apparently, she was at war when she was only five years old!"

"No way, man, that's impossible."

"Yeah, like hell someone would let someone who's just learned to walk, onto the battlefield."

"You'd be surprised. Apparently, they were getting low on ninja and just sent the whole Nara clan who could fight onto the field."

"That's crazy, dude..."

"Alright, this exam was put together by our head of the Torture and Interrogation team, Ibiki Morino so I assure you, it's not going to be easy," I smiled as the chunin gave out the exams and I ignored the many whispers, "next thing is, no cheating. The chunin in his room are also on Ibiki's team so they have the sharpest eyes and senses. If they catch you cheating you and your teammates will be disqualified, no arguments, you will leave. If you don't, you'll regret it. You have one hour to complete the nine of the ten questions you have to do."

I scanned the room; familiar faces met my gaze. Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Naruto and... Kabuto..!

What is he doing here?!

I'll have to bring this up with the Hokage as soon as I can.

"Your time starts now! Keep an ear open for your number if you're called out you leave," I announced. Papers were turned over and pencils met paper.

I watched from the front of the room and smiled when I noticed the girl sitting beside Naruto trying to offer her answers to him. He declined though.

She's got pale eyes. A Hyuga? Interesting...


One by one, team after team were disqualified and we hit the end of the exam time.

"Alright, and it's now time for your final question," I looked at the remaining genin, "if you fail to answer this question correctly, you and your team will be stuck as genin forever. So, if you think that you can't answer the question, then leave now."

The warning was set out, a couple moments of silence passed and then finally around half of the group up and left.

Naruto's hand crept up into the sky. I looked at it disappointed before suddenly...

"Don't underestimate me!" Naruto shouted, "I don't fail, and I won't give up!"

He slammed his hand on the table as he stood up. I smiled at the sight and then looked around the room.

"No one else?" I asked, everyone stayed firmly to their seats, "Alright time for your final question. Your tenth question..."

Everyone looked at me with intense gazes.

"Is non-existent," I smiled, "You've all passed the first exam! Congratulations. I hope to see some of you later."

I left the room just as everyone started shouting in disbelief, I'm sure. I'm sure Anko was early so she will have been in there talking to them.

I'm rooting for you Shikamaru, become a chunin, little brother.

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