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"What?! A kiss?! Who and what are you, you-- you-- you-- witch!" Karin, shouted, "and quit making eyes at him, you old bag!"


Is being loud an Uzumaki thing? Now that I think about it, Lady Kushina was kind of loud too at times and we all know Naruto is loud.

"Lord Tsuchikage if you're not going to participate then please keep your head down," Mei said as she did a mixture of hand signs before spewing out a mouth full of lava.

Next in was Chihiro who had released his blade and sent Sasuke flying though the wall.

What was the purple skeleton thing?

Mei ran out after him, the hole created was blocked up.

I turned my gaze from that to Karin.

"You," I grabbed her, "now that Danzo isn't here, I guess I can talk now. You're Karin Uzumaki, yes?"

She looked at me with startled eyes and I pulled the cloth from my eyes.

That feels a lot better.

I was about to say something when suddenly white goop started to grow around everyone, dropping Karin I turned to them and frowned.

"What is that?" I muttered, walking over to the Zetsu on the floor, "are you even dead? I doubt it, you'll have to go through more than a few broken neck bones to die."

Just as I thought, the head of the creature grew out from it.

"Stay still, Chojiro," I looked at him and used my eyes to turn time back on the goop, however, before it totally fell off, the wall was thrown in and that purple skeleton that was wrapped around Sasuke was there.

What is that?

I've never seen anything like it. Is it something that the sharingan is producing? It reminds me of Gaara's sand defense. But it couldn't be any more different.

Sasuke emerged from the dust cloud.

"Sasuke! Are you alright?!" Karin shouted from beside me.

Wait a minute, why didn't that zetsu stuff grow on me as well? I looked down to see my shadow was doing some weird dance around me. Guess my shadows have my back, good work, me.

Anyway, back to Sasuke.

"Lady Mizukage!" I shouted as something weird began happening behind me. The Tsuchikage and Akatsuchi were creating some weird looking stones.

Shaking that off, I turn to Chojiro and quickly make the Zetsu on him disappear.

"Thank you," he nodded to me as we looked to Onoki who was floating in the air now

"So, you're the brat who took down Deidara, huh?" Onoki asked as he did his own set of hand signs, "well I've got no grudge against you. But many Shinobi want you dead."

No... I'm fairly sure Deidara self-destructed. But sure, whatever you say, old man.

"So goodbye," he said as a small glowing cube appeared in his hand, he expanded it, and it surrounded Sasuke, "particle style: atomic dismantling jutsu."

The cube filled with a dark smoke.

Crap. Don't die, Sasuke, don't die...

The smoke cleared to show that the cube was empty.

Weird, his chakra is still here though.

"Sasuke!" Karin shouted.

Can you shut up?

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