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I yawned as I entered the village again and greeted Kotetsu and Izumo before going to the Hokage's office.

"Afternoon, Lord Hokage," I greeted him before placing the scroll on his desk, "his corpse is in there."

"Fantastic," he nodded, "thank you for getting rid of that issue. Here's your payment."

He passed me an envelope of money and then I dismissed myself before walking through the market square.

"Hello, Shikarei," Itachi greeted me from inside the dango stand with Shisui. I smiled and took a seat next to him.

"Hello, Itachi, Shisui," I greeted the two of them. Shisui just smiled and waved.

"Just got back from your mission?" Itachi asked, his eyes gazing over my outfit, "that outfit is not all that appropriate for a mission."

Then I remembered.

"Well, you see... This was my outfit for our date, but I got my mission so suddenly that I just grabbed my gear and left," I replied with a weak smile before noticing that it was a tiny bit dirty and bloody, "it was an assassination."

"I see..." both he and Shisui nodded.

"Well, I'm going to wash up and get changed, see you later," I waved before walking forward.

"Meet me at the barbecue restaurant in an hour!" Itachi called from behind me, I put a thumbs up and then jumped to my house.

Upon entering the building, Shikamaru jumped on me, I looked down to see him grinning up at me.

"Hello, Shika," I greeted him before he let me go.

"Hey, big sis. Will you train with me?" he asked, "father is just... being weird..."

I looked up to see Pa in an emotional daze.

"Sorry, Shikamaru, maybe another day?" I apologised before stepping around him and going straight to the bathroom to shower.


"Afternoon," I slid into the booth where Itachi was just sat, "how have you been?"

"Bored," he replied leaning forward slightly.

"Poor Ita," I mocked him before ordering my food, "it's a full moon tomorrow night."

"Yes... it is," Itachi replied with a curt nod, "tomorrow night is..."

"Is what?" I asked, he bit his lip and shook his head.

"Nothing," he muttered with a sigh, I just frowned before shrugging off the feeling that this may be the last time I meet him on friendly terms.

"Whatever you say, Itachi," I mumbled before starting to cook my food.


"Did you just say Shisui is dead?" I asked Ren, he nodded.

"He was found washed up downstream early this morning," Ren told me, "Both his eyes had been stolen."

"That's horrible!" I clasped my hands over my mouth, "who would do such a thing?!"

"People are saying it was Itachi," he told me with sullen eyes, "though I don't believe that for a second. I think there's something big occurring in our village and we can't see it because the higher ups are hiding it away."

"Do you know where Itachi is now?" I asked, looking up into the full moon, "I need to stop him. This is his mission. I need to stop him."

"I saw him earlier, looked like he was heading towards the Uchiha compound but... He had his anbu mask on," he replied with a serious and weary expression, "I'm scared that he's going to do something terrible."

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