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"He's... what?" Ino looked at me with wide eyes, I looked away.

"I'm sorry," I apologised before standing up and looking to Ren, who was deep in his own world, "Ren!"

"Might Guy, Neji Hyuga, Rock Lee and Tenten are just beyond the gates," he announced suddenly, "I can sense their chakra getting close."

"Then let's go get them," I nodded, looking out over the crater, "when this is over, I think I'll fix the crater."

"How are you going to fix a hole in the floor?" Ren asked as he adjusted his shoes and then yawned.

"My eyes, now, let's go," I nodded to him before turning to everyone, "I'm sorry about Inoiché but we need to stop this attack before we mourn anyone."

"Yeesh, you really know how to hide your emotions, huh?" Ryuzo winced, "anyway, I'm coming with you two."

"Alright," we nodded before turning and running across the rubble and heading towards the village gates.

"What're you still doing here anyway?" I asked, looking to Ryuzo as we exited the village.

"Lady Tsunade still hasn't written her reply, I keep reminding her but to no avail," Ryuzo shrugged with a sigh.

"They're close," Ren announced, we nodded and continued running as fast as we could. Ren suddenly stopped and frowned.

"They're right here," he commented, "but I don't see them?"

"Guy!" I shouted.

Suddenly rustling from the trees above us sounded, we all pulled out kunai just in case of an attack but instead Team Guy dropped down in front of us.

"What is happening in the village?!" Neji demanded, "why is Lord Jiraiya's summoning frog over there!"

"What? Gamabunta?" I asked, they nodded, "he must've been here to attack but was blown away... Anyway-- the village is under attack."

"What?!" they all exclaimed, "by who?"

"The six paths of Pain," Ren replied, "they blew I giant hole in the middle of the village. So many people have died and been injured. I believe Naruto is currently going head-to-head with Pain now."

"We must hurry back to the village then," Guy nodded.

"And we shall fight for our home!" Lee did some weird movements.

"Just hurry back," I nodded, "I'm going to go to Gamabunta. Maybe I can force close his summon."

"I'll go with you," Ren nodded, "Ryuzo you go back to the village with Team Guy, no offense but you'll just get in our way."

"None taken," Ryuzo nodded, "I know you guys have a system or something. You're a team after all."

We nodded and then ran our separate ways. A loud explosion caught mine and Ren's attention, we turned to look in the direction of the leaf village to see a large pillar of crimson and black shooting into the sky.

"No way..." I stared wide eyed, "Naruto has let the nine tails take over!"

"There's no stopping him now," Ren sighed, "he'll be too angry to even focus on anything else."

"Yes," I nodded, "we can't help him. Come on, let's get to Gamabunta."

"Right," Ren nodded before we continued in the direction of the giant toad...sure enough, he was here and he looked battered, bruised, and definitely exhausted.

"Gamabunta," I called out, he opened his eyes, "are you OK?"

"Not at all," came his struggled response, "I've been injured so much that I can't move."

Ren hummed and looked him over before raising a hand to one of Gamabunta's legs.

"Yeesh-- how did you get such injuries?" Ren asked, "almost all of your bones are broken. Shikarei you won't be able to force close his summon without hurting him anymore than he already is."

I let out a sigh.

"Then the only thing is to get someone from Mount Myoboku to come and take him back," I replied, "though I'm unsure how."

Gamabunta had lost consciousness at this point so me and Ren kind of just stood in silence, not really sure what to do.

About five minutes of standing around later, a giant and really old toad appeared.

"I'll be taking Bunta boy home," the toad told us, we nodded to him.

"We wish him a quick recovery," Ren nodded to the old toad. We watched them disappear before turning and walking back to the village.

"We're in no hurry, let's just take our time," I hummed. Ren nodded.

"I'm not ready to see Inoiché," he sighed.

"No," I shook my head, "it's not fair."

We walked through the gates to see Naruto was being thrown up and down by a bunch of the villagers. Everyone... There are so many people... Kakashi is alive! What is this?!

"He was dead..." I frowned, Ren followed my line of sight and sighed before gasping.

"That guy died when I was treating him!" Ren pointed to a silver haired man being hugged by a brown-haired woman.

"What happened?" I looked around confused before we were finally noticed.

"Shikarei!" Naruto grinned and waved, "we beat Pain."

I smiled at him.

"You mean... You beat Pain," I corrected him, he jogged over and laughed.

"Yeah," he nodded, "but everyone fought against him one way, or another so doesn't that mean they beat him too?"

I looked at him confused before letting out a small laugh and smiled.

"Only you, Naruto, only you would think that way," I ruffled his hair before my eyes landed on a beaten-up blonde Yamanaka leaning on a red headed Akimichi, "Inoiché..."

"What?!" Ren exclaimed, "where?!"

Choro and Inoiché made their way over to us from the other side of the crowd.

As soon as Ren locked eyes on the two he shouted something incomprehensible and then sent them both a swift punch. I put my hands up in surrender as he turned to me.

"Please don't hit me!" I said as quick as I could.

He let out a deep breath, I could almost see the steam.

"You are an idiot!" Ren finally formed some understandable words before sighing, "Calm. Keep... Calm..."

Yes. Please do.

I smiled and dragged Inoiché into a hug.

"Don't die again," I punched his gut and then grinned up at him, "or I'll kill you myself."

"Message received," Inoiché smiled back with a small laugh.

"You're all hopeless," Ren sighed, "I'm going to outlive you guys, I already know it."

We all laughed.

"Alright," I clapped my hands, "time to fix the hole in the ground."

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