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"Itachi?" I called out, the Uchiha turned and looked at me, his eyes looked freaking empty, but he was with another Uchiha, one I had never met before.

"Shikarei," he greeted me as I caught up with the two of them, "welcome home. I didn't get to talk to you yesterday."

I shrugged.

"Who's this?" I asked, looking at the Uchiha.

"I'm Shisui, Shisui Uchiha," he introduced himself, stretching a hand out for me to shake, I shook it and smiled.

"Shikarei Nara," I introduced myself.

"Master of the shadows?" he asked, with gleaming eyes, "man, it's an honour to meet you!"

"Thanks?" I felt like it was more of a question, "it's nice to meet you."

"Anyway, where did you go?" Itachi asked, we all started to walk towards the field and the tree.

"Just training with a friend of Lord Thirds," I replied, "I met a group of five there, an Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuga, someone from a Koni clan and a Senju. It was pretty crazy."

"I remember you said that it was Tomoe Uchiha?" he asked, I nodded.

"Tomoe?" Shisui repeated, "He's supposed to be dead."

"Dead?" both me and Itachi repeated.

"Yes, he was said to have died six years ago when I was 10," Shisui explained, "killed in a crossfire between the stone and the leaf. He was travelling with a message from the Kazekage."

"I guess he didn't die then," I shrugged, "he must've used it as a cover to go on another mission. One he's been on ever since."

"It did seem suspicious that he was taken down so easily. After all he was one of the strongest in our clan at the time," he nodded in thought. I just let out an exasperated sigh and plopped down under the tree in the middle of the field.

"He was very serious when it came to shogi, and he was most definitely a difficult opponent," I told them, "Very difficult indeed."

I let a fond smile dress my face as we all sat in peace.

"May I ask where it was you trained?" Shisiu asked.

"You cannot," I told him, "I am sworn to secrecy."

"Oh really?" Itachi asked, shooting me a mischievous smirk before turning and starting to tickle me, "not even if I torture you?"

I laughed loudly as I tried to squirm and crawl out of his trap, but it was all for nothing because he just kept catching me and tickling me. He wore a small smile as he tickled me, and I noticed Shisui laughing silently along with me.

"Please... Stop..!" I managed to say between laughs, my ribs started to ache from laughing so much and my eyes were watering.

"Shadow... Possession jutsu," I called before watching Itachi freeze, "complete."

I let out a small laugh before sliding myself away from him and releasing him.

"Shikarei?" Inoiché and Choro appeared at the bottom of the hill, "Ino Shika Cho have a mission, let's go."

"What? So soon?" I whined, standing up, "I just got home, what a drag..."

"Stay safe," Itachi and Shisui both said in unison as I walked away, I waved and joined my team's sides.

"What's the mission?" I asked.

"Escort," Choro replied, his gaze landing on a child who couldn't have been any older than 6 or 7 years old.

"For this twerp?" I asked, the boys nodded.

"She got lost, her and the Daimyo requested an escort to bring her back," Inoiché told me with a sigh.

"Whoa-- the Daimyo? Who is this girl?" I asked in surprise.

"I'm unsure, something like an adopted niece or something?" Choro shrugged.

"Damn," I let out a low whistle, "didn't know such a person existed."

I knelt to the girl's level.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked her with a sweet smile. She just shook her head, her cheeks adopting a light dust of pink.

She was quite adorable, small, probably about at my mid-thigh. Shoulder length brown hair and bright, unique, red eyes that reminded me a little bit of Kurenai.

"Do we have a name for her?" I turned to the boys, they just shrugged, "perfect..."

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the girl.

"How about we give you a nickname for now?" I suggested, she nodded shyly, "hm, how about..."

I looked over her appearance, she wore a necklace with (what looked like) small silver jasmine flowers.

"How about Jaz?" I asked gesturing to the necklace, "do you like jasmines?"

She nodded to me and smiled the smallest smile ever.

Inoiché grinned.

"My name is Inoiché, my family own a flower shop, would you like to go and get a jasmine before we take you home?" Inoiché asked, joining me in my crouching position. 'Jaz' smiled brighter and nodded, stealing Inoiché's hand cautiously and pulling him.

He stood up and walked with the girl clinging to his hand as myself and Choro walked behind them.

"You sure this is wise? We have to get her home at some point," Choro asked, looking up at the sky and then looking forward again.

"Let's just get a jasmine then we'll be off, OK?" I reassured him, he looked hesitant but nodded.

We reached Inoiché's families' flower shop and waited outside with 'Jaz' as Inoiché went to get some jasmines.

"I should introduce us," I gestured to me and Choro, "my name is Shikarei and this is Choro."

'Jaz' nodded and twirled her fingers around before poking her index fingers together and sneaking glances at Choro. This made him raise a brow, clearly noticing the girl's strange behaviour.

"What's the matter?" Choro asked, she looked up again and pointed up. After seeing Shikamaru do that for years, I know what she wants.

"She wants to sit on your shoulders," I whispered up to him, he looked at me confused before looking at the girl.

He sighed and gestured for her to come over. She did and he picked her up, placing her gently on his shoulders she started smiling brightly, her smile for even brighter when Inoiché came out with a small handful of jasmines.

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