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A week later_

"I'm home," Shikamaru announced, I smiled as he walked into the living room and flopped down onto the sofa beside me.

"Welcome ho-- jeez you stink," I pinched my nose for effect.

"Thanks, I love you too," he shook his head sarcastically, "that whole thing was a total drag."

"Are you going onto the last exam?" I asked, he nodded, "congratulations."

He smiled and shrugged.

"I can't be bothered anymore, it requires way too much effort to do it," he told me, I laughed and nodded.

"Trust me, I know," I nodded, "actually I think my exams were much harder than what you're going through."

"Probably," he nodded, "considering you were freaking six!"

I laughed again and nodded.

"That is true," I agreed before a knock erupted from the front door, I got up and answered, "Lord Hokage? Actually, this is perfect, I've been trying to meet you all week but to no avail."

"I know," he nodded, "and I'm sorry for that, may I come in? I must discuss something with you."

"I need to warn you first," I cut in before allowing him in, he walked in, and we went to the living room where Shikamaru had now sprawled out across the whole length and took my seat.

"Shika, mind leaving while we talk?" I asked him, he looked at me curiously but nodded and left the room as I retook my seat.

"Alright, you get your warning first," he told me.

"Kabuto Yakushi. He's Orochimaru's assistant," I told him, "I've been trying to tell you for ages but those stupid anbu..."

"Yes, that's what I came to talk about," he nodded, "I need you to keep an eye out for him and Orochimaru."

"Was that a pun, Lord Third?" I asked him slightly amused, he chuckled and shook his head, "but yes, I was planning to do that anyway. Orochimaru is after my time eye and I'm not ready to give it up just yet so I'd much rather not."

He nodded.

"You won't be able to get into the arena to watch so I'll have a Yamanaka to project the scene to you," he told me, I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, I really don't want to miss Shikamaru, Choji, Ino and Naruto's fight," I told him.

"Choji and Ino didn't pass but the other two did," he told me, I frowned and sighed.

"That sucks," I shrugged, "oh well, there's always next year."

He nodded and then stood up.

"We'll discuss further later," he told me, I nodded and walked him out the house just as Ren was about to knock.

"...Lord Hokage, good afternoon," Ren greeted him, "Afternoon, Shikarei."

"Afternoon," I greeted him.

"Good afternoon, Ren," Lord Hokage also greeted him before looking to me, "anyway, I'll be leaving now. Excuse me."

"Yes, thanks for coming," I nodded and waved as he left before looking to Ren, "yo, coming in?"

"Sure thing," he nodded, and we entered my house again, Shikamaru had returned to the living room, "good afternoon, Shikamaru."

"Good afternoon... Ren, right?" Shikamaru greeted the pink haired boy beside me.

"Yeah," he nodded before we sat down, "anyway, do you have that message written out ready?"

I nodded and went to my bedroom; I retrieved my folded up sheet of paper with my letter for Itachi and returned to the living room where a dark pink cat with a couple purple stripes was now sat in front of Ren patiently. I passed him the paper.

"Take this to the Crow," Ren told the cat.

"You got it, Renny boy," the cat replied in a really really deep voice. That's something I didn't expect from such a small creature.

"Come on, don't call me that, Blue," Ren whined.

And his name is Blue?! What the heck?!

"Alright, your message will be delivered from Shadow to Crow," Blue announced, "Excuse me."

And it disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"What?" Shikamaru asked, "Who's Crow?"

"No one," I replied, "an old acquaintance."

He gave an unamused expression as Ren stood up.

"I'm going to see Sakura," he told me, "I went to see her earlier but she was in the shower, so I was told to come back... Not like I live there or anything..."

I nodded before looking to Shikamaru.

"I think it's time for you to take a shower too," I poked him.

"Fine fine, what a drag," he pulled himself to his feet, "bye, Ren."

"See you," Ren waved as Shikamaru walked to the shower, "and I'll see you at your next check-up."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for getting that message out."

He nodded.

"No problem," he replied before he left.

"I'm...kind of hungry now," I mumbled to myself before getting up and going to the kitchen. Ma is shopping, Pa is working, Shika is in the shower and I'm trying to find something to eat that is going to appeal me.

It's so quiet...

Two days later_

Itachi's PoV

"Crow," a low voice called out to me, I turned to see a cat with dark pink fur and a bit of purple, "message from Shadow."

Shadow? Crow? The hell?

A piece of paper was placed at my feet before the cat disappeared again.

I frowned before crouching and grabbing the paper. Kisame, my partner, was doing something in the village close to here so right now I'm alone.

Opening the paper, I see familiar handwriting.

I don't know if your memories from our drunk night have come back, mine haven't but I have a basic understand what we've done. I'm currently six weeks pregnant. I'm not telling you because you should feel obliged to do anything. But as my ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ closest friend, I felt you should know also because... They are also your child so I shouldn't keep that away from you. I haven't met or told Sasuke about this because I want to know what his character is like first. He's on Naruto's team so I'll ask Naruto about him, I'll make my decision from there. I'll ask Sakura too, but I doubt I'll get anything, but teenage crush out her. Maybe Kakashi can help me out? Who knows... If you want to get in touch with me, my code name is Shadow, yours is Crow, send a message through Blue. There's something attached to this letter to call him. Stay safe, Ita.
- Shikarei'

She's... Pregnant?

What's the scribbled-out bit?

The small bell dropped into my hand, and I slid it, along with the letter into my pocket as Kisame started getting closer to me.

I need to meet her.

But how? A genjutsu? Probably the easiest way to do it.

Right, I'll do that.

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