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"The Akatsuki?" I repeated, staring at Lady Tsunade who had rudely appeared at my home at 2am this morning.

"I heard that you were researching them for a while," she nodded, "I need to ask you a favour. A really big one."

I yawned and crossed my arms as I leaned against the door frame and stared at her. She shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. A few minutes passed before I sighed.

"One minute," I told her before disappearing into the house and changing out of my pyjamas and into my normal clothes, I grab the key to my office and then go back to the door and pull my shoes on. Pa had emerged from his room at this point and gave me a sleepy look.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Tsunade has requested my help, I'll be back later," I told him, yawning, and then leaving the house.


"So why exactly do you want my stuff?" I asked as I unlocked my office door, "oh jeez-- this is dusty as hell."

"The Akatsuki..." Tsunade trailed off before pushing me into the office and closing the door, turning the light on and looking at me seriously, "this is confidential at the moment, but you need to know if I'm going to take this information from you."

"Uhm-- ok?" I raised a brow before starting to find all the files. They were dust drowned so it was proving to be quite difficult.

"They're a criminal organisation that's currently going after the tailed beasts. Why? We don't know yet. But we need to know as much information about them as possible if we're to get mixed up with them in the future," she told me, "especially because of Naruto."

Naruto... The nine tail jinchuriki. Well, half of the nine tails, Lord Minato has the other half. But we still need to protect him.

"I see," I nodded, "ah here."

I pulled out a discoloured folder and flipped through the sheets within.

"This folder has information on two of the members, Kakuzu and Hidan," I passed her it, "it might take me a while to find the others. I'm not like Pa who has everything organised unfortunately."

She sighed but took the folder and started reading through the information.

"There's not a lot here..." she mumbled; I just gave her a bored look.

"You know how hard it is to find information on people who don't want to be found?" I asked her before shaking my head, "plus Kakuzu should technically be dead, so finding info on him was virtually impossible. But I hit a breakthrough when the Akatsuki started to become... a little more known, I guess? It was super hard either way."

"Alright," she nodded, "oh and Shikarei."

I hummed in acknowledgement.

"I suppose you're not that bad," she then left the office. I smirked.

"Oh really? Maybe I'll step up making your life hell then," I laughed to myself before shaking my head, "nah."

Then I spent the rest of the morning hunting out all of the files and folders about the Akatsuki.

"Lady Tsunade?" I knocked on the door to her office. It was around lunch time now and I'm hungry so I want to get rid of these files as quick as I can.

No response came so I just walked in to see no one was in there so I just put the stack of folders on her desk and put a note on the top before leaving and heading home.

"I'm home!" I announced.

"Finally," Ma walked over and passed me Himari who was crying, "she loves me but she does need her mother."

"I know," I nodded, sitting down, and rocking her gently to try and calm her down, "I've been so busy, it's crazy."

"You must be tired," Pa commented as he sat down next to me, "you were up since 2am."

"Yeah, but I'm also super hungry," I replied as Himari basically ate my pinkie.

"Here," Ma passed me a sandwich.

"Where's Shika?" I asked before beginning to eat.

"He's on a mission with Asuma, Kotetsu and the rest of Team 10," Pa replied.

"Kotetsu?" I repeated.

"Izumo is sick, and they needed an extra person, so Kotetsu stepped up because he thought he was going to be bored," he explained, "he had no idea what he was getting himself into."

"Sounds like him," I nodded, "I miss my missions."

"Well, you'll keep missing them," Ma told me, "for the next five years."

"You're brutal," I glared at her.

"You had a child, did you not?" she asked, I nodded, "then deal with it. If you neglect your daughter then she'll grow up hating the world and everyone in it. Didn't you say that you wanted to protect her from the traditional Uchiha hate?"

"I did," I nodded, "and I'll follow it."

"Good," she smiled before grabbing a basket, "anyway, myself and your father are going to get some food now that he's finally got a day off."

"We discussed this," Pa said through gritted teeth, "I'm not shopping. Shopping with you is like some kind of hellish outing!"

"Deal with it," Ma grabbed his hand and dragged him out the house. I laughed and stood up before walking outside and sitting under the only tree in our back garden and just relaxed.

"I've missed this silence," I smiled as I sat there, Himari sleeping in my arms, the afternoon sun just beaming down, not too hot, not too cold. Just perfect.

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