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"So how the hell am I supposed to beat that guy?" Naruto asked as I stood up and stretched.

"Well... that I don't know I'm afraid," Motoi replied honestly.

"Hey-! Hold on! Octopops trained here too, didn't he?" Naruto asked, "I can just go and ask him!"

He seemed to remember something.

"No... he's never going to tell me," he shook his head, shutting down his own idea. Did Naruto annoy B or something?

"Not with his attitude," he frowned.

"Perhaps..." Motoi nodded.

I went to go over but stopped myself at the edge of the lake and quickly took a step back again.

This place gives me the heebie-jeebies.

"Naruto, try thinking a different way," I said, "no violence. Just use your head. I'm sure you can figure it out."

It was silent for a moment but then Naruto stood up.

"Hey, Motoi, can you help me out?" he turned to us, "can you tell me more about Octopops? Like how he grew up and what his personality is like? Maybe I can get a few hints from all that stuff. Then I can figure out what's different between us and why he can control his tailed beast."

He's thinking just a little bit too much, I think.

"To be honest, I don't like to prattle on about other people," Motoi said, "but Naruto, you're also a jinchuriki, just like Master B is... and controlling the nine tails will lead to world peace. So, I'll do it."

"Ah! Thank you!" Naruto celebrated a little.

I glanced over at the waterfall. My vision flashed and I saw me stood there but my eyes were black and red. I looked pissed but also filled with sorrow.

This place is messing with not only my head but my eyes too...

"While you do that, I'm going to go on a walk and get some air," I said, "I'll be back soon."

They nodded and I walked away from the group. I rubbed the corners of my eyes as I walked.

"That waterfall..." I shook my head and frowned, "no. Stop thinking about it. It'll just give you a headache."

I made my shadow rise up and made it take on different shapes as I walked. Stopping, I dropped my shadow back to where it was supposed to be and looked back to the direction the waterfall was in.

"Come to me," a voice whispered to me through the wind, "let's see who is stronger. Darkness or resolve."

Suddenly a loud shout echoed through the area.

"That sounded like Motoi," I hummed before jumping through the trees in the direction the shout had come from. When I reached them, Naruto, Yamato, Motoi, and B all on one spike. They seemed pretty down.

"You know that I tried to kill you," Motoi said, "so why did you help me?"

What the what? I was gone for like three minutes. How'd they end up out here, fighting a squid and trying to kill B?

"You know... I don't remember that happening," B said as I dropped down on the spike behind the group, "but what I do remember is Motoi and me, Motoi and me, Motoi and me spending time together. Training hard like birds of a feather. Me made mistakes but it was no disaster, and we were always bursting into laughter. The two of us smiling, the best of friends forever. The times Motoi and me spent together."

The two-fist bumped, and Naruto celebrated it, Yamato just watched in silence and I kind of just stood there not having any clue in what the hell just happened.

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