2) One of the Drunks

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Brendon's POV

My head is pounding and the bright mid day sun coming through my window isn't helping. I can barely remember what happened last night and I think it's better that way. I look over at the clock on my wall and see that it's already 2:30 pm. It's to early for me to do anything fun but to late for me to go back to sleep. I have a horrible hang over and the last thing I remember is talking to some hobbit in a fedora.  I can't even remember what we were talking about. By then I was already pretty drunk. I just hope I didn't ruin his night with my drunk ass.

I sit up in my couch and see the mess that I call my living room.  I must have been too drunk to get up the stairs so I passed out on the couch. I don't even know how I got home. I hope I didn't somehow drive. I stumble over to my kitchen to make some coffee. Hopefully it will cure my hangover.  As I wait for my coffee to brew I realize a note on the counter. I rub my eyes preparing to read it.

Hey Brendon I hope your hangover isn't to bad. I drove you home last night because you were black out drunk. I don't even think you will remember me.
- Patrick Stump
Aka hobbit in a fedora.

"Shit." I showed a random dude were I live again. I hope this guy doesn't go telling people on Twitter where I live. I don't need fans showing up at my house again. I really need to be more careful.

My coffee is done brewing and I take it to my couch.  I turn on the TV and get lost in the news. I don't know how long I got lost in the TV but I was taking out of the trance when I heard my front door slam shut.

"Brendon Jesus Christ please tell me you have done something productive today. Other than sitting on the god forsaken couch." Zach rushes into the room.

"Uhh was there something I was supposed to do?" I look at him confused. Why didn't he just call me?

"Maybe answer your phone and you would know.  Did you pick a band to open on you tour next month?" He seems furious.

"Uhh not yet sorry I will soon." I say looking down at my phone and seeing 35 missed calls from Zach. Shit I'm in big trouble.

"Please tell me you at least looked at the list of artist."

"No" I say with a defeated look.

"Fuck sake Brendon your a grown ass man you should be able to do more than just sit around getting high off your ass and black out drunk.  I'm done being your babysitter I'm only here because I get paid to. If you don't pick a fucking opener by tomorrow we aren't going to have one since you refuse to let anyone else do it. Your so immature." He sticks up his middle finger and walks out of the room.

"Fuck man what am I going to do." I burry my face in my hands.

I pick up the list of bands and they all sound bland and annoying.  I want a band to have fun with. I'm about ready to give up when I come across a particular long band name. I don't know how but they found me. Under that it says two names. Ryan Seaman and Dallon Weekes. Dallon was one of my best friends he was everything to me. I loved him to death and I would have done anything for him. But I screwed it up. I did a horrible thing and he left. Dallon didn't just leave the band he left our friendship. I haven't talked to him since he told me he was leaving panic!.  I didn't even know he started his own band.

I looked up his band on YouTube and listened to all his songs. His voice is beautiful in each one. As I watch some of there live videos and interviews I light a blunt and start the process of getting high. A few beers and blunts later I realize that it's almost midnight. I'm a bit drunk and very high. I decide it would be a good idea to call up Dallon. I call him and it rings for a while but he picks up.

"Hello?" His voice is so pretty

"Hey Dallon it's Brendon do u have time to talk?"

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now