30) Maybe

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Brendon's POV

"What do you mean Ciera is looking for me?"  Patrick's face shows only pure fear and terror.

"Can someone explain who this Ciera person is?" Dallon asks.

"She's like the boss of all the angles." Pete quickly says. 

"But I thought god was the boss?  I'm so lost." Dallon continue to look confused.

"He is.  He's like the big boss and Ciera is like one of the specialized bosses."  Pete tries to quickly explain but is getting frustrated by all the questions.

"I still don't understand." Dallon sighs.

I lean over to his ear "I'll explain more later." Dallon just nods his head slowly trying to take all this in.

"So she visited you directly Bren?" Patrick's face doesn't shift, it's still filled with terror.

"Yes, she was looking for you and asked if I have seen you.  She also told me she would be back." I explain.

"Be back when? When will she be back?" Suddenly the fear on Patrick's face turned to panic. He starts to pace back and forth. 

"Calm down Trick it's going to be okay." Pete attempts to sooth him. Pete stops Patrick from pacing and telling him to breath. He does as he's told and focuses on his breathing.

"I'm okay." Patrick gives a soft smile. "I just have a question for you Bren."


"Was this the first time you've seen Ciera?" My face instantly drops at this question. Immediately the memories of last time come rushing back. I shake my head no and look down at the ground.

"When was the other time to you saw her?" Patrick's face is serious and worried.

"Times, not time.  I first saw her when I was very little maybe around 6 years old. I can't remember why she was there or what she told me but I remember her showing up in my room and I remember being scared and sad.  The second time was right before my first angel disappeared." I nervously explain. Everyone's face slowly shifts to pure confusion. Dallon has looked confused since the beginning but this is the first time that even Ryan has looked purely confused. Ryan, Pete and Patrick sent looks of confusion to each other. It looks as if they are having a silent conversation with each other.

"But why?" Patrick finally gives the conversation a voice. I'm not really sure who he's asking the question to.

"I don't kn.."

"Shhh" Patrick cuts me off. "I'm trying to figure out why." Everyone silently watches as Patrick tries to answer his own questions. "What is so special about you? What am I missing? Jeez I'm so dumb. What am I missing?"

"Why does something have to be special about me?" I whisper to Ryan.

"Ciera almost never gets involved with human affairs. She's only done something like this once before,  Ryan Ross.  He became kinda a legend.  He was a human just like you but that's where the similarities ended.  He was extremely kind and caring to everyone, he lived his life trying to do as much good as he could.  Too bad he got a shitty angel.  His angle didn't care to be an angel.  He abused the power and tried to make Ryan's life hell.  Even with all the shit he went through Ryan's morals never changed.  It's actually who my parents named me after."  I listen closely to the story. 

"Patrick I know what you're missing!" I shoot up out of my seat.  Everyone's attention is directed at me.  "Ryan Ross is the opposite of me.  He was an amazing person and I'm a shitty one.  He had a shitty angel and I had two amazing ones.  I'm not special you are."

"Pete, Ryan come with me." Patrick's face is serious.  The two nod then in the same moment all three are gone.  Disappeared into thin air without a warning.

"I'm so confused." Dallon speaks for the first time in a while. 

"Honestly I still don't fully understand."  I sit down besides him.  I study Dallon's face, he has massive bags under his eyes and his eyes look like they are working over time.  "You look tired Dal."

"I'm not I'm fine." He try's to smile but I see right through it. 

"Your lying." I pull his head onto my shoulder and he doesn't protest.  "I know I've been a mess and I've been pushing you away but I'm sorry for all of that.  I've been a dick and all of this has been unfair for you.  You are loosing sleep because I dragged you into a mess and that's not fair.  I'm sorry Dally."

"It's okay, you have been through a lot.  I'll sleep for a bit but wake me up when they get back." He yawns and shuts his eyes.

"Sure thing." I smile and place a kiss on his forehead.  I stay completely still until I can hear Dallon's breath completely even out and I'm sure he is asleep.  I smile to myself.  I've missed Dallon so much more than I thought I did.  I thought I was okay with pushing him away as long as it meant he could be safe and happy, but I realize now I was wrong to push him away.  It was selfish of me to just decide for Dallon that he can't handle everything.   I wish I could just go back in time and change everything but I can't.

So instead I soak in the refreshing feeling of Dallon asleep on my shoulder.  I want this moment to last forever, even if that means the others don't come back.  I just miss being with Dallon.  I've always know Dally makes me a better person and I don't ever want to be the person I am without him again.  I just hope Dallon can forgive me one last time.  Everyone deserves a third chance, right? 


So it's been a quick minute but here's another chapter.  It's short bc I've kinda forgotten how I want this story to end.  If you want to read some more of my stuff please check out my other story Crazy.  I'm really proud of it so far and it would mean the world to me. Thanks in advance.

Also If you haven't caught on by now almost all my titles are a name of a song by a band or artist I like. So if you don't recognize one check it out. Of course there are a few that breaks the pattern.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now