23) The Mighty Fall

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Pete's POV

I pace around my living room with a cup of coffee in hand. I feel like I haven't slept in years and my body is only working because of the insane amounts of caffeine I put in it.  I'm too worried to sleep.  What if he comes home and finds me sleeping?  He will think I didn't care enough to stay up and look for him.  It's been weeks though.  Patrick hasn't been home in weeks.  It's been about four weeks, which would make it a month.  It couldn't really have been that long.  Patrick always comes home after a few days.  I take another sip of my coffee finishing off my third cup this morning.  I place the mug on the table and walk over to my kitchen to make another.  I'm interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

My eyes light up and I am filled with immense hope.  Maybe that's Patrick, maybe he lost his key and was embarrassed so he didn't come home right away.  I run so fast over to the door I nearly slam into it.  I swing the door open and I'm greeted by a tall man instead of a short one.  My face instantly drops.

"Oh hi Ryan." I try not to sound to disappointed.  "What's up."

"I don't know maybe you could tell me.  Can I come in?" He tries to stay calm but there is clear anger in his voice. 

"Uh sure."  I move out of his way and he walks in.  I close the door behind him and we both go to the living room.

"Your place is in worse condition than Dallon's and you look like completely shit." He says looking around.

"Thanks, did you just come here to insult me or is there more?"  I ask completely uninterested.

"Yes, I actually don't have much time I have a plane to catch in an hour with Dallon.  So you better talk fast and listen closely."  He pauses looking at me intensely.  I nod my head to tell him I understand.  "So what the actual fuck is going on?  I've been keeping an eye on Dallon but I've been busy and I figured between you and Patrick he would be fine but apparently not.  Dallon was a complete mess yesterday and apparently so is Brendon.  Brendon has completely shut out Dallon and neither of them are better off for it.  I thought we all are working for team brallon?  Dallon also told me that the morning after our talk you spoke to Brendon and that made him shut down. Explain yourself.  And where the hell is Patrick?"  By the end of his rant he is yelling.  I stand there stunned that the sweet Ryan would yell at any one.

"Patrick is gone." I say still shocked.

"What do you mean gone?  Gone where?" 

"He's just gone, I don't know where he is.  I can't find him and believe me if I knew where he was then everything would be okay."  I start to raise my voice.

"Okay, okay.  Start from the beginning."  He takes a few deep breaths.  I can tell he is now extremely worried as well.

"First I need to tell you how this isn't the first time Patrick has run away like this.  When he gets overwhelmed or he feels things are to big for him he hides from it.  He did this in school when he felt he wasn't ready for a big exam and he's doing it now.  The thing is he usually comes back with in two days but it's been about a month."  I explain.

"A month!  You mean to tell me that you haven't seen Patrick in a month and this is the first I'm hearing of it!  Fuck sake Pete."  He yells at me.

"I'm sorry."

I go on to explain how after the talk Ryan had with Patrick, he said he was going to see Brendon.  I was worried when Patrick never came home that night so I went over to ask Brendon when was the last he saw him.  Brendon told me that Patrick never came to see him and that made me extremely worried.  In a panic I might have told Brendon way more than he needed to know.  I told him how Ryan is Dal's angel but Dal doesn't know.  I told him how Patrick disappears sometimes, how Bren is a huge complicated case for any angel let alone a new angel, and I also told him how he didn't have an angel for a long time before.  After explaining all of this Ryan's face is filled with shock and rage.

"You told him all of that and then just left him to deal with all of that information on his own?"  He calmly asks. I nod my head yes terrified of what he will say next.  "You fucking idiot.  How can your brain be so small?  God, no wonder this is all a mess.  I could punch you right now but I won't." He yells at me and I deserve all of it.

"I wasn't thinking sorry." I quietly say.  I'm a mess I don't even feel like I can defend my actions.

"Clearly because if you were thinking we wouldn't be in this mess." He takes a deep breath.  "Sorry.  This is just really bad and I don't think you fully understand.  First things first we need to find Patrick ASAP.  Secondly we need to help Brendon get through all the angel shit.  And lastly we need to get Dal and Brendon to make up before there friendship is completely ruined."  He pauses to look at the time on his phone.  "But before all of that I need to get on a plane with Dallon in five minutes."

Ryan rushes to the door then stops.  "And please clean up this mess.  If I was Patrick I wouldn't want to come home to this."  He turns around to open the door then pauses and turns around. "Also Brendon and Dallon can't know anything else that is going on." Then he runs out the door slamming it behind him.

I'm left alone yet again with only my worries to occupy my mind.  I turn on some music to try and distract my mind as I listen to Ryan and clean up the mess.  Luckily I contained the destruction to the living room and kitchen so there isn't too much to do.  The music does its job for a while but my worries comes back sooner than I would like.  I miss Patrick more than anything in the world.


I'm super inspired to write right now so here's another chapter wow.

Also I have an Instagram account where I post some of my art.  It's @sippedon_chlorine it would be cool if you checked it out but no peer pressure.  Do what you want.  Most of the art is band related like tøp, panic!, and idkhow

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