32) Be Concerned

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Brendon's POV

"You know what?  Fuck you." I whisper carful not to wake Dallon again.  "Not to be rude to the very powerful whatever you are but fuck you. You really suck, my wonderful boyfriend is a few feet away sleeping and you're here to fuck it up.  I've worked so hard to get that man back in my life so fuck you." I whine.  She has a patient yet annoyed look on her face.  I can tell she's very unamused by my quiet outburst. 

"I'm not here to mess anything up Brendon and you know that." Her cold and emotionless voice sends chills down my spine.  "I'm here only to help."

"Well I'm here in this hotel to sleep and take a nice soothing bath."  I shine a fake smile at her.  "Now I'm going to be taking off my clothes and I would rather not have a magical being watch me strip." I know I should be way more polite to her since she kinda holds my fate and many others in the palm of her hand, but I'm way to tired for this bullshit.  I start to take off my shirt but I'm immediately stopped.

"Brendon Boyde Urie."  Her voice is filled with authority.

"What you're the one sneaking around my hotel bathroom, you pervert." I antagonize.

"Brendon." Her voice is louder and sterner.  I can hear Dallon move around in the other room as he wakes.

"Bren who was that?" His tired voice calls out.

"Nobody, I was just yelling at myself for dropping a shampoo bottle.  Sorry baby."  I calmly lie.

"Can you come back to bed." I can hear the sleep in his voice.

"I will in a few minutes.  I'm going to finish up my bath first. Okay?  Go back to bed." I sigh in relief as I hear a quit okay as he lets sleep take him.  I turn my attention back to Ciera.  "We can talk out in the hall because I'm sure as hell not waking him up for a third time tonight."  I quickly drain the bath before heading out into the hall.

"So what do you want?  Why can't you just leave us alone?"  I question. 

"I want to follow up and give you all the information on your situation." She calmly states.

"My situation?" What the actual fuck is she talking about. 

"As you may know you're situation isn't a typical one considering Patrick isn't your first angle.  It wasn't part of the plan for Sean your first angle to fall the way he did. Then there was Otto." She pauses when she realizes how lost I look.

"Sean? Who the fuck is Sean? I thought Otto was my first angle?" Sleep deprivation starts to set in and my brain can't process what I'm being told.

"Otto is the first angle you can remember. You were very young when Sean fell. See, when Sean fell he tried to take you with him. He quickly changed from being an angle to a fallen angle to a demon. He almost succeeded in his plan and he would've if I didn't step in. We tried our best to help you forget all about Sean and his actions. Otto was Sean's younger brother so when he was ready to be a full guardian angel I thought it would be best to give you to him. I thought that since they were family members it would be an easier for Otto to help you but I was wrong. Otto truly cared for you but it started to drive him mad that you were the reason his brother fell. He couldn't take the pressure and left. He just got up and left one day, never to be seen again." She explains and I try my best to take everything in.

"So what does this have to do with Pete and Patrick?" I ask not completely following.

"Well when Patrick started to act up we were concerned that the cycle was repeating." She answers. I take a moment to think everything over.  "Even though Patrick has no correlation Sean or Otto we were still concerned for both of your safety."  She seems to be dancing around her words, carful not to tell me too much.

"So basically I'm cursed. That's fucking great." I laugh. "I'm going back into my hotel room now. I'm going to lay down in bed with my wonderful boyfriend, cuddle up close to him and pretend like you didn't tell me that I'm cursed."

"You're not cursed. You're just a special case." She try's to calm me.

"Now that is fucking bullshit. I believe a lot of things that come out of you're stupid mouth but that is bullshit." I'm almost yelling at this point. I turn my back to her and start trying to swipe the keycard to open the room door. I repeatedly and frantically swipe the card but it won't unlock. "Let me unlock my door!" I fully yell this time.

"Brendon listen to me." Her voice is threatening. I freeze and stare at the door handle.

"No." I whisper. I almost hope she doesn't hear my protest.

"You're nightmares aren't a coincidence Brendon." She states voice cold and calm.

"Yeah they are happening because you keep fucking me up." My snarky comment makes her sigh. It's the first sign of any emotion from her. I try once again to open the door and this time it unlocks. I slowly open the door and walk in.

"Sweet dreams Brendon." Her cynical voice rings as I shut the door. I push her comment away as I drag my feet to the bed. I tiredly climb into bed and curl up next to Dally. I try my best to not let everything that Ciera told me keep me awake but it's harder than I would've hoped. My brain keeps focusing on the thought of me being cursed. Maybe I am cursed, it would honestly explain why my life has always been so messed up. I just wonder what I ever did to get cursed. Maybe I really pissed off my first angle Sean so he tried to kill me and when that didn't work he cursed me. My mind races through different things that could explain why I'm cursed as I drift off into sleep.

I finally wrote a new chapter for this story in a reasonable amount of time.  I know it's kinda short but I tried to make it good. 

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