7) Better Than Me

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Brendon's POV

I wake up to the familiar feeling of a pounding hang over. As I slowly wake up I look over to see 6'3" Dallon curled up in a tiny chair. He's still sound asleep and I need some coffee. I kinda wish he was awake so we could catch up some more but I don't want to bother him. Instead I get up and put my blanket around him. As I walk out of the room and down the hall I try to recall the events of the past night. Everything is slightly blurry but I'm sure it will come back eventually. I hope I didn't say anything too bad I'm trying to fix things with Dallon not fuck it up more. I get outside and start walking to a local coffee shop. I plug in my headphones and start play music way louder than it should be.

As I walk I scroll through my instagram feed. I didn't realize anyone running towards me when I was suddenly knock off my feet. Some how I am now lying in the middle of the side walk. As I sit up I see a black fedora, I pick it up and stand up.

"I'm so so sorry about that Brendon. I wasn't paying attention and I was in a rush and I apologize. Please don't hate me." A small man with a familiar face frantically apologizes.

"It's uh ok. I'm fine. Do I uh know you? You look very familiar." I ask handing him his fedora. He grabs it, puts it on and fixes his glasses. "Oh my god your the hobbit from the bar. Umm Patrisha no, Peter no, Patrick? Right you drove me home?" I ask basically jumping for joy.

"That's me the hobbit with the fedora." He giggles. "I can't believe you remember me after being that drunk."

"It's a gift man.  Thank you for not like leaking my addresses or anything.  Where are you off to in such a rush?"  I ask a little nervous for some reason.

"No problem man it was the least I can do.  I'm actually in a rush to see um uh a friend of mine Pete. Where are you off to so early?" 

"Just to get some coffee."  He looks over my shoulder as if he's looking for someone or something.

"I actually have to run but good luck with you and Dallon.  Remember don't give up on him this time." He says as he speeds off.

I don't remember ever bringing up Dallon at any point in our conversation.  Our relationship was never very public so it's not like he could have known we ever dated let alone that I gave up on trying to get him back before.  I must have talk to him about it when I was drunk.  I am pretty stupid when I'm drunk. 

We are playing in the same venue again tonight so I'm not in a rush to go anywhere as I continue to the coffee shop. When I arrive I order a black coffee and sit by a window. As I sip on my coffee I let my mind wonder. My thoughts speed through last nights show and plans for today. My headache starts to fade and memories from the drunken night with Dallon start to surface. I first remember some of the small talk that we had and a few funny jokes Dallon made. I remember us reminiscing about our past tours and adventures when suddenly something comes back and hits me like a truck. I remember hugging dallon and crying. Shit! Why the fuck was I in frantic tears. I can't seem to remember the most important part, what was said leading up to the water works. Come on memories were did you go. Fuck man I can't keep messing things up like this.

I'm shaken out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I look and see that it's Dallon. I take the last sip of my coffee and answer the phone.

"Hey sleepy head what's up?" I ask in a chipper voice.

"Well I have a knot in my back from sleeping in that tiny chair. What are your plans for today before the show? Going to go adventuring or do u not do that anymore?" He asks in a childish tone of voice.

"You bet I still adventure and cause mayhem. Dalpal please come with me it will be just like old times. It'll be so much fun I swear." I sound like a 3 year-old begging their parents for candy.

"Of course I'm coming we have to show Ryan how to tour the Panic! way." He says with the cutest giggle. Man I love this guy. I have to admit though I'm a little jealous of Ryan, I kinda wanted Dallon to myself.

"Yeah, Of course we'll show him the ropes and rules." I try to sound enthusiastic.

"Can u meet me back here in like 20?" He asks

"Yeah, Of course."

"Hey uh do you remember anything from last night? I mean you were pretty wasted." He asks in a kind of nervous voice.

"It's kinda a haze. Like you said I was pretty wasted. I probably won't remember any of it anytime soon." I lie.

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I sit around at the coffee shop for about another five minutes before heading back. The whole walk back I think of all the fun today will bring.

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