16) New Perspective

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Brendon's POV

It's weird sleeping like a normal person.  Going to bed at a relatively normal time and waking up at a normal time.  I woke up and the clock read 8:30 I thought it was a mistake at first but no I really woke up at 8:30.  I haven't woken up at a normal time like this in forever.  I also almost forgot the feeling of waking up refreshed instead of feeling like I got hit by a truck.  I sit up on the side of the bed and look behind me.  There is Dallon peacefully sleeping like the angel he is.  As my eyes adjust I notice the bruises I left on him.  There are two big hickeys on either sides of his neck and three trailing down his chest.  It's weird that for once I can actually remember everything from the night before.  I can remember giving Dal each hickey and I can remember how I was the one who decided not to go any farther.  Normally I would never turn down a good fuck, especially with someone who has Dallon's big uh... good looks.  I mean yeah I wanted to fuck Dal I still do but it wouldn't have been right, it would have only screwed things up more.  If I want to start over with him I have to do it right. 

Since Dally is the guest at my house I think I should make him breakfast.  That's what good friends do right?  I mean I haven't cooked a real breakfast in forever so let's just hope I don't burn my house down.  That would be hard to explain.  I go out to the kitchen and try to find something that wouldn't be to difficult to make.  I find some boxes of cereal but that's too easy.  I want it to look like I at least tried a little.  In the fridge I find some eggs and bacon.  That seems pretty good now I just need to find the pans.  I look through just about every cabinet in my house before finding the pans.  I was just about to start on the first egg when I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hey, Brendon what's up?"  The voice is definitely not Dallon's or even Patrick.  It scares me half to death and I end up dropping my egg on the floor causing it to break.

"Fuck!" I say seeing the raw egg leaking out of the broken shell and onto my floor.  I quickly turn around to see who interrupted my breakfast making.  I see Patrick standing next to his friends who was with him when I was in the hospital.  I think his name was Pete, he never talked before so I didn't recognize him from his voice. 

"Oh hey Patrick and Pete.  It's Pete right?" I say with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, sorry about scaring you, and about your egg." He says with a little laugh.

"Oh yeah it's fine, but I should probably clean this up."  I turn around and start grabbing paper towels to clean up the unborn chicken.  "So, it's been a quick second Trick where have you been?"  I ask while finishing up cleaning.

"Uh well I uh um..."  he's interrupted by Pete "I needed help with my human and only the smartest could help me."  He gives Patrick a little punch on the should and a smile.  "Did little Patrick tell you he graduated valedictorian?"

"No but now I truly understand how lucky I am to have him helping me.  Honestly I don't know what I would do with out you Patrick, you have helped me so fucking much already."  I laugh and start attempt number two of making eggs. "I think I would be dead 100 times over."

"R-really you think I've been helpful?"  I can tell through Patrick's voice that he's nervous.

"Are you kidding me vro.  Your fucking amazing!"  I break the egg into the pan and turn around.  "Come on dude I've missed you big time and it's only been a few days.  Give me a hug."  I open my arms wide and pull Patrick into a tight hug.

"I'm glad you don't hate me.  I was really scared." Patrick says giving a sigh of relief.

"I could never hate you.  I mean look at you with your glasses and fedora your fucking adorable."

"That's what I've been telling him for years now."  Pete chimes in and I laugh.  I already completely forgot about the eggs on the pan.  I start to tell Pete and Patrick about how I'm trying to start fresh with Dallon and make things right.  I even tell them how I had a chance to fuck him last night but I thought it would be better to wait.  They agreed with me on that.  I lost track of time until I smelt something burning.  That's when the thought of the egg him me.  Fuck!  I forgot I started cooking that.  Suddenly the fire alarm goes off.

"Oh shit shit, that's not good!" I yell running over to the pan. I quickly pull the pan off the stove and run the burned egg under water. "Well fuck!" I scream out of frustration. In that moment I see Dallon walking into the kitchen. He's still in only his boxers and hasn't realized Patrick and Pete sitting in the living room.

"Did you try to make breakfast for us?" He asks with a tired smile. I shamefully nod my head yes. His smile goes wider as he says "and you burnt it. That's cute." He gives me a little peck on the cheek and turns around. At that moment he realizes Pete and Patrick sitting on the couch looking at us. They are very clearly staring at the hickey on Dal's neck and chest. Dal's face goes bright red.

"Hey Daldo maybe you want to put on a shirt or at least some pants." I start cracking up at Dallon's embarrassed face. He quickly try's to cover up the hickey and walks back into the guest room. Him walking away all embarrassed makes me laugh even more.

"Maybe next time leave the cooking up to me so we don't have to call the fire department." Dal yells from the bedroom. My laughing immediately stops and Pete and Patrick's laughter fills the empty space.  A few moments later Dallon comes out dressed in a shirt that covers up most of the hickeys. 

"I really wanted you to wake up to a nice breakfast but if you couldn't tell that didn't go as well as I planned."  I say pointing at the burnt egg in the sink. 

"I'll make breakfast.  Are you two staying?"  He asks Pete and Patrick.  They think about it for a bit but end up deciding that they have to go.  I beg them to stay and hang for a bit but they leave anyway.  They leave me a Dal alone at the table.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now