31) Worst

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Brendon's POV
2 months later

I lay wide awake staring at the ceiling of my hotel room. The man beside me rolls over to his side and now his facing is towards me. I look over and see that he is still sound asleep. I take a deep breath in and slowly release it. My sleep schedule has been messed up for so long I can't even remember last time I slept properly at night. I slowly sit up careful not to wake the man besides me. I make my way out of the bed and into the bathroom. As I look into the mirror I see borrowed eyes staring back at me. I pull my hands over my eyes covering them tightly. I hear faint footsteps stop in the doorway of the bathroom.

"You can't sleep again?" Dallon asks.

"Yeah, sorry babe I didn't mean to wake you." I look at him and give him a small smile. He walks closer to me and lays a kiss on my cheek.

"I couldn't sleep either anyways." I can see right through the lie. "It's not a lie I swear." He defends himself as if he read my mind.

"Yes it is." I say.

"It is." He admits pulling me into a hug. "But it's okay anyway. Did you have another nightmare?"

"Mmh." I hum into his neck.

"What was it this time?" He pulls away so he can look at me. My eyes get glazed over with tears. "It's the one with Pete and Patrick again isn't it?" I nod yes.

He pulls me into another tight hug. I focus on the hug and the feeling of Dallon in my arms so I don't have to think about my dream. I've been having nightmares for the past two months. They rotate between three different ones. The first one is where Ryan yells at me and tells me how Dallon hates me and will never see me again. The second where Ciera comes back and takes everyone away from me.  The final one is the worst, I dream that Pete and Patrick are dragged into hell for being fallen angels.  The worst part is how they scream and beg for me to help.  All I can do is stand there and watch them struggle and yell.  It's the absolute worst thing in the world.  I normally wake up screaming when I have that dream but some how tonight I woke up silently. 

"Let's go lay down.  We won't sleep just lay down." He smiles and interlocks our hands. He pulls me over to the bed. He lays down first and opens his arms inviting me to join him. I sluggishly make my way to his arms and curl up close. I place my head on his bare chest, he runs his fingers through my hair.

"How bad was the nightmare this time?" He calmly asks.

"Well I didn't wake up screaming this time, so I guess it's getting better." I sigh.  I can still hear the screaming in my ear.  I close my eyes to try and push the sounds away. 

"I'm so sorry baby.  Do you want to talk about it?"  His voice is full of concern.  I absolutely hate making him worry like this.

"I'm okay." I sit up and give him a kiss.  "Thank you but you should really get some sleep. We have a show tomorrow and both of us can't look like shit."

"I don't want to leave you awake by yourself." Dallon frowns a bit.

"I'll be fine don't worry.  You are tired so sleep." I kiss him once more before putting my head back down on his chest.  I listen to him breathing as he drifts off into sleep.  I know that he is exhausted so I'm not surprised when he falls asleep within a few minutes. 

The past 2 months have been really tough on everyone.  We have been playing shows practically every night and having to pretend that everything is fine.  I can tell it's really getting to Dallon, he has been less excited on stage and he's been getting sick more often.  He's been ill about 3 times in the past two months which is kinda abnormal for him.  He normally only gets sick once or twice during an entire tour.  Patrick and Pete have been really close to us recently as well.  They are always with one of us at all points of the day.  They have both been so on edge constantly asking if we have seen Ciera.  Ryan has been the only sane one.  He's been constant and helpful in all of this. 

I've been trying to stay strong through this whole thing but it's really getting to me.  The nightmares started out only every now and then but now they are every night sometimes even twice a night.  I know that if I fall back asleep now I will probably have another nightmare.  I grab my phone and check the time, it's only 4:45 am and I'm so tired.  I can feel my eye lids growing heavy and starting to close.  I curl up closer to Dally and get more comfortable.  Without thinking I shut my eyes. As I start to drift off I hear the screaming from my nightmare.  It echoes around my head and I jolt up. 

I sit up and burry my head in my heads. I can feel my eyes to water again.  I want to get up and grab a blunt or a beer but I can't.  I promised Dally two weeks ago that I would quit both.  I have only messed up once and I told Dally immediately after.  Neither of the things were helping me they were just easy and quick fixes.  I would be lying if I said I don't miss the easy fixes but my promise to Dallon means more to me than weed or alcohol.  I really want to let the tears roll down my face but I would feel horrible if I woke him up again.  I try to control my breathing.  I slowly breath in and out in shaky breaths.  I look over at Dallon who is peacefully sleeping.  I envy how he can easily sleep like that.  I place a soft kiss on his forehead before getting up and walking back over to the bathroom. 

I start to run a warm bath so I can try and relax.  As the tub fills I walk back over to where Dal is fast asleep.  I sigh as I marvel at his beauty.  I don't know where I would be without Dallon.  Probably dead in some ditch somewhere honestly.  I walk back into the bathroom to check on the bath.

"Hello Brendon." A familiar woman's voice surprises me.

I want to start updating this book way more.  I honestly think this book only has a handful of chapters left because I don't want to drag it out too long.  What do you guys think?  Is it being dragged out or is it still interesting?

Also I want to interact with the people who read my stories so I'm going to start asking random questions at the end of each chapter.  So if y'all want to answer that would be cool. 

What other bands or musicians do you like? (Ones not mentioned in the story already)

My answer- Waterparks and Half•Alive

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now