5) Sickly Sweet

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Dallon's POV
One month later

The last month flew by quicker than I was expecting and it's the start of tour. Some how I have avoided Brendon through out rehearsals but today there is no avoiding him. I even have to sing a song on stage with him. He choose girls/girls/boys as the song we play together. Real smooth Brendon. Ryan keeps asking me to introduce him to Brendon and every time I make up a lame excuse. Ryan and I show up to the venue together. As we walk to our dressing room I see Brendon walking our way.

"Yo Dallon wait up a second." He yells down the hall and me and Ryan both stop. Brendon runs up to us.

"Hey Brendon. We were just going to get ready for the show." I try to avoid have a real conversation with him.

"I know it's just aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" He holds out his hand in Ryan's direction. "Hello I'm Brendon, Dallon's former lover." He says shaking Ryan's hand and I instantly send him a glare.
"What was I not supposed to say that last part. Fine I'm Dallon's former bandmate. Better giraffe boy."

I roll my eyes and Ryan laughs.

"I'm Ryan Dallon's current bandmate and best friend." Ryan gives Brendon a huge friendly smile.

"Well it's a pleasure finally meeting you because Dalpal was so rude as to not introduce you I had to introduce myself. I wish both of you good luck on your set tonight." Brendon says.

"And good luck to you too." Ryan says then Brendon begins to walk down the hall. Me and Ryan start to continue to walk to our room when we hear Brendon yell "Dallon don't forget a good luck shot before you go on!"

I haven't done that since I was in panic!. It was always something Brendon enjoyed doing. We wouldn't get drunk or anything just one good luck shot. We get to the room and start getting ready.

"So you and Brendon use to date?" Ryan breaks the silence between us.

"Yeah." I say looking on the ground.

"Was it serious?" He questions me.

"I guess. I don't really know." I start rubbing my hands from nervousness.

"Well did you love him?" Ryan is now facing me.


"Then why did you break up?"

"He cheated on me. We were on tour with a band called Twenty One Pilots and he slept with the drummer. His name is Josh Dun. That's why I left Panic! because I was heart broken. And it's not Josh's fault he didn't even know we were together. Josh even apologized and tried to explain but I just couldn't trust Brendon any more. I couldn't even look at him. I left and he didn't even try to get me back after that. I didn't even hear his voice once until that phone call a month ago. I guess he just never really cared about me like I did for him." I trail off and I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry Dal I didn't know." Ryan pulls me into a tight hug and I let the tears roll down my cheeks.  After about five minutes we hear a knock on the door and Zach tells us through the door that we are on in 10. Ryan pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

"We should finish getting ready." Ryan gives me a little smile and I agree.  Ryan turns around and says "just remember Dal there are always two sides of a story."

Our set goes off without a hitch. The crowd was amazing and seemed to enjoy our songs. Brendon is on stage now and girls/girls/boys is the next song.  I'm standing on the side of the stage waiting to be called onstage by Brendon.

"I would like to call and old friends of mine to help me sing this next song. Now the fans who have been with this band for a while probably remember him. Dallon Weekes!"

I run on stage next to Brendon and the song starts. This is the first time in a long time I'm singing with Brendon.  I almost forgot how chaotic Brendon is on stage.  I'm constantly trying to keep up with his energy level but quickly get into the song. Once the song finishes Brendon walks over to me.

"Dallon Weekes ladies and gentlemen!" Brendon pulls me into a big hug. To my surprise he pulls out my ear piece and whispers in my ear. "Can we talk after the show?"

I nod my head yes then get off the stage.  Brendon's set continues as normal without a mistake.

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