15) And The Dirty

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Dallon's POV

Maybe Ryan was right, maybe Brendon still loves me and maybe I still have feeling for him too.  I don't want to be feeling this way but sitting here on the side of the pool in our underwear makes me want to kiss him.  Is that wrong?  Brendon did screw me over and cheat on me.  I shouldn't be feeling this way but I can't help it.  I just want to kiss Brendon's perfect lips.  As I stare into his big brown eyes all I can think of is kissing him.  Oh god I shouldn't be thinking like this. 

"I'm kinda tired I think I'm going to go to bed." Bren says nervously rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at his lap.  Shit did I stare for too long.

"Oh uh yeah, I'm tired too." I say and we both get up and walk into the house.  Brendon's room is upstairs and the guest bedroom is on the ground floor so once we get in the house we go our separate ways. 

I lied when I said I was tired, I'm not even the slightest bit tired.  I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling trying to fall asleep but I just can't.   I roll over and start scrolling through instagram.  At some point I end up looking at old videos of me and Brendon.  Our old interviews and tour recaps.  We both looked so happy then, until we didn't.  Right before I left there was one interview were it was just me and him.  I was so obvious about how mad I was, I didn't talk or even look in the direction of Bren.  I realize now how immature that is but I was pissed.  I just made myself look like a total ass. I don't want to look at this anymore.  I'm about to go to bed when my door opens.  My eyes are blinded from the hall light but once they adjust I can see Brendon standing at my door.

"Hey, Dally are you still up?" He whispers.

"Are you alright Bren?"  I ask sitting up in my bed. 

"Yeah, it's just I haven't fallen asleep in my own bed without being drunk or high in a long time.  So I guess I'm complaining that I can't sleep but I'm also a little scared." He says nervously fidgeting with the door knob.  I sigh, I move to one side of the bed and pat the empty side.  "Thank you Dally." He timidly walks over to the bed and lays down.

"Have you really not slept normally in that long?"  I can't believe that he can be high that much.

"Well you know I don't like being alone, so after you left the best way for me to get sleep was to be to high or drunk to realize I'm alone." He sits up a little so he can face me.  "Its been really hard without you Dal.  I've really missed you more than any..." I cut him off by kissing his soft perfect lips.  I don't know what I'm thinking, well I guess I'm not really thinking I just did it.  To my pleasant surprise he kissed me back.  He leans into the kiss and puts his hand on my face.  After an eternity of kissing we both pull away to breath.  We lean our foreheads against each others.

"What was that for?" He asks.  I just shrug my shoulder and connect our lips again.  This time Brendon pushes me onto my back.  He climbs on top of me and makes the kiss more intimate.  I haven't decided yet how far I want this to go but I'll think about that when I get to it.  He pulls his lips away and sits up.  I give him a questioning look and he goes right back to passionately kissing me.  We are both still only in boxers and he starts to rub his waist against mine.  He starts to move his kisses down to my neck. 

"Is it okay if I..." He trails off but I know what he means.  I know my head yes and he starts with kissing my neck until he finds a spot he likes.  He starts to give me a hickey right below my ear. 

The next morning I wake up to Brendon peacefully sleeping next to me.  I quietly get up and walk over to the mirror.  I trace my fingers over the several larges bruises along my neck and chest.  We didn't have sex last night but we got pretty close to doing it.  To my surprise he was the one to make sure we stopped before that.  Maybe Bren has matured a bit more than I thought.  I quietly walk back over to the bed and lay back down beside Brendon.  I'm not quite ready to really get up yet.  As I lay there I drift off to sleep again. 

The next time I wake up Brendon isn't besides me.  I hear three muffled voices coming from the living room and what smells like burning food.  Suddenly the fire alarm goes off and I jolt up.

"Oh shit shit that's not good!" I hear Brendon scream from the other room.  I lay back down rolling my eyes.  Time to go see what shit Brendon got himself into now.

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