3) Phone Call

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This isn't really from a POV it's just there phone call

Dallon: Oh hey Brendon. Uh we haven't talked in a while what's up.
Brendon: Well I have a tour coming up and we need an opening band. I came across your band and I thought it would be really cool to be on tour with you again.
Dallon: I mean Bren touring with you was a great time of my life and I loved it but I don't know if that's a good idea. Last time it didn't end well.
Brendon: Come on Dal it would be fun. We are both mature adults.
Dallon: Ha well we both are adults only one of us is mature and it's not you breadbin.
Brendon: Breadbin? Really?  You want to start will the nicknames do you giraffe?
Dallon: At least I can reach the top shelf in the super market.
Brendon: Ouch! Low blow Dalpal. Low blow.
Dallon: haha sorry man.
Brendon: See we are already joking like old pals.
Dallon: I just don't think it would be a good idea being forced together constantly.
Brendon: This tour will get you a lot more exposure. You will be play much bigger venues then you are right now.
Dallon: I like my little intimate venues.
Brendon: Dallon, let me tell you the truth. If I don't have an opener ready by tomorrow then I'm screwed. Big time screwed.  Everyone is already pissed off at me and they all think I'm good for nothing. Please Dallon I need your help.
Dallon: Come on your a huge band. I mean your Brendon Boyde Urie everyone wants to go on tour with a band like you. And your telling me I'm your only option? I don't believe it.
Brendon: Yes, your the only one I want on tour with me your music is just too amazing. Please Dal. I'll be on my best behavior all tour. I swear.
Dallon: I don't know man.
Brendon: Please. There will be no messing around.
Dallon: I'm not saying yes but I'm not saying no. I'm saying I will talk to my band mate Ryan and we will decide tomorrow.
Brendon: Really Dal! Your my savior! Thank you!
Dallon: Don't get your hopes up too high Ryan could say no to this. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Brendon: I know I know. Talk to you tomorrow.

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