29) Turbulent

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Dallon's POV

I pace around my green room as I hear Brendon playing his final song of the set.  My mind races thinking of all the things that can go wrong.  The worst of which is if Patrick just never shows up.  I don't know what I would say to everyone if he didn't.  God I need Patrick to not bail on me.  I can hear the end of the song onstage, this means everyone should be pouring into my room soon.  I begin to focus on my breath.  I hear my door swing open and my head flys toward the door.  Standing in the doorway is Ryan.  He has a sad look on his face but he still gives me a forced smile.  I can tell he is just as worried as me.

"Pete should be here any minute now." He gives me another smile as he sits down.

"Hopefully Bren comes right after getting off stage." I say more trying to keep myself hopeful than to convince Ryan.  I take a seat next to him.  "What if he doesn't show up." 

"Who? Brendon?  I'm sure he will." He try's to reassure me but I wasn't asking about Bren.

"Not Bren, Patrick." I simply state without looking at him.

"So this meeting is about Patrick?  I thought you weren't supposed to tell me?"  He kind of jokes.  I know he figured it out right away but I wanted to try and keep my promise to Patrick.

"Yeah, I wasn't but I'm really worried Ryan.  I'm afraid that if he doesn't show up we won't see him ever again."  My voice cracks as I speak.  "There was this woman in Bren's room early today.  She was asking him about Patrick and she didn't seem friendly.  Brendon seemed terrified of her."

"It's okay Dally, everything's going to be fine.  Just don't think about that woman she wasn't doing anything." Ryan says pulling me into a hug.  I can tell that he knows something and isn't telling me it. 

A few moments later the door opens again and both Brendon and Pete walk in.  They are have a joyful conversation as if nothing is wrong.  Pete is dress up nice, not fancy but nice.  Brendon changed out of his show clothes and into shorts and a t-shirt.  As far as I can tell Brendon seems completely sober which I'm taken a back by.  The amount of joy in Pete's voice is also shocking.

"Hey Dallon how long till Patrick shows up?" Pete asks with a smile from ear to ear.  I shoot Ryan a look and he sent one back that promises he didn't say anything about Patrick.

"Wait Dally you didn't tell me Patrick was going to be here."  Brendon lights up like a Christmas tree and I sigh.

"He should be here soon." I mumble through my teeth.  I start to worry more when both there faces instantly look like a kids face on Christmas morning.  I only really considered Pete's devastation if Patrick bails but now I'm realizing that Brendon will be devastated too. 

A few minutes turn into 30 and 30 turn into a hour and a half.  We sit around talking and laughing avoiding the topic of Patrick's lateness.  I can feel the hope being sucked out of the room.  A room that was previously filled with laughter and bright colors starts to turn dull and gray.  Pete's is the first to fall silent.  He slowly started to drop out of the conversation and his eyes stare into an abyss.  Soon after that Brendon's voice grows quieter and distant.  By the time the two hour mark is hit the room is completely silent.  Even Ryan who tried to keep the air light the entire time grew silent.  The formally cheerful room is now completely grey and sad.  We sat there silently for another 20 minutes.  Pete was the first to break the silence.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now