10) I Don't Care

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Dallon's POV

The car ride back to the venue was quiet and filled with awkward.  Nobody dared to speak, even the Uber drive felt the awkwardness.  When we arrived at the venue Brendon quickly got out of the car and rushed into his dressing room without a word.  Why is he in such a bad mood?  Why did he have to yell at me?  I can't stand it when people yell and Brendon knows that.  I want to know what happened to Brendon but at the same time he was an asshole to Ryan the entire time so maybe he deserves to be in a bad mood.  All I know is we better make up before we have to sing together on stage. 

Ryan and I go to our room in silence and sit on our phones.  I have never heard Ryan this quite, he always has something to say to me.  Ryan is a very happy guy who smiles all the time and always wants to make others smile.  He's such a happy guy to be around.  I look up from my phone and see that Ryan definitely isn't smiling.

"Sorry about today, Brendon isn't usually that much of an asshole. I swear."  I try to fix what Brendon fucked up. 

"I know he's not.  I just don't get why today he hates me so much and yesterday he seemed excited to meet me." Ryan wonders.

"I know, it's weird.  He almost seemed jealous of you today." I laugh at the thought of Brendon being jealous.

"Maybe he is Dal.  That would explain a lot of things. Have you ever thought that Brendon might still be in love with you?" Ryan asks.

"There is no way he loves me, he cheated on me. He is what ruined our relationship not me. I loved him and he broke me, he has no reason to love me." I get frustrated at just the thought on that.

"Sorry I brought it up."

We go back to siting in silence. As the hours of the day pass and the show time gets closer I realize that Brendon isn't going to be the one to try and make up. I always kinda hated how stubborn Brendon is. I walk down to Brendon's dressing room and knock on the door. It takes a minute but a tired looking Brendon opens the door. His eyes are bloodshot red, his cheeks are puffy and tear stained.

"Have you been crying B?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder.

"No, I'm fine. What did you want?" He shoves my hand of his shoulder.

"I just wanted to make sure you were ok and ask about what happened at the creek today." I try to keep my voice calm and soothing.

"Dallon it's none of your business. Just go back to having fun with RyAn" he says Ryan in a mocking tone of voice.

"Seriously Bren what's your deal? Why all of a sudden do you hate Ryan? What did he do to you? Let me tell you what he did, nothing, he's such a nice guy and you won't even take a second to be nice and get to know him." I start to get frustrated with Brendon's stupid attitude and begin to yell at him. Tears brim the edge of his eyes and just as one escapes he slams the door in my face. I feel bad for yelling at him but at the same time why is he being such an asshole. I head back to my room to wait till it's time for the show.

Our set goes great and once again the crowd was amazing. Ryan and I did great but the entire time I couldn't get my mind off of Brendon. I want to apologize but I don't know how. I find myself once again standing on the side of the stage waiting to be call on to sing with Brendon. As the song before girls/girls/boys finishes I finally think of a good way to apologize to Bren. But when I hear Bren speak I immediately forget my apology.

"So this is the time when I would call Dallon out to sing this song with me but tonight I think I'm going to sing this song alone." The song immediately starts up and Brendon sings without me. That son of a bitch.  Is he really that petty?  What the fuck did I do to him?  Nothing!  I've been nothing but kind to him and he's just been an asshole.  I'm doing him a favor by even being out here on this tour, I didn't even want to be here in the first place.  He's acting like a child, he needs to grow up and grow a pair.

I stay by the side of the stage waiting for Brendon's set to end.  When he comes off I try to block his path so he has to face me but he manages to push past.  I catch up to him and grab his arm.

"What the fuck man?"  I ask.

"What?" He gives me a pissed off stare.

"Why the fuck didn't you call me on stage to preform the song?" I'm doing my best to remain calm but I'm so pissed off.

"I didn't feel like singing with you tonight Dallon." He gets away from my grip and continues down the hall. I walk beside him and enter his room with him.

"You don't get to just not feel like it, you have to stick to the planned set."  I say and Brendon refuses to make eye contact as he gets ready to go to the hotel.

"Fuck you Dallon.  This is my tour, for my band, it's my set, and my song!"  He yells at me staring me straight in the eyes without a flinch.

"Don't even pull that bullshit Brendon, we both know that you would be in some deep shit right now if I didn't agree to this tour, and that song, I wrote most of it.  You just got all the credit and praise.  Did I care when I got no recognition for that song, not at all, I was happy for you.  I should have realized then how much of an asshole you truly are."  I scream at him then storm out the door.

"Dallon wait." I hear him say from behind me.  I turn around at the door giving him a death glare then slam the door.  The funny part is I could have sworn I saw a man with a fedora in the corner of the room.  I really need to sleep tonight.

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