9) Novocain

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Brendon's POV

If you told me a year ago that Dallon and I would be hanging out just like old times then I would think you were drunker then me. And that's saying something. Yet somehow here we are laughing, telling stories and adventuring just like we use too. The only difference is Ryan is here. Fuck you Ryan. I mean I don't really have anything against him. He actually seems like a really nice guy, it's just he's taking Dal time away from me. We took an Uber a little out of the city and are now walking towards our favorite place. It's a little creek that me and Dal use to explore all the time.

"Hey Bren I think we are here!" Dallon and Ryan got a bit ahead of me while I was deep in thought. I catch up to them and see the array of trees.

"Yep. Are you ready for the real adventure?" I say with a huge smile. I meant to direct the question at Dallon but I guess I didn't make that clear.

"Oh yeah Dalpal can't shut up about this place." Ryan answers with such an adorable smile. I hate it.

"I was asking Dal and Dalpal is my nickname for him." I mutter under my breath. Dallon shoots me a look that yells "be nice". Ryan gives Dal a crooked smile and nervously rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry." I mumble just barely audible.

"Well we don't have to much time so let's get to exploring." Dallon try's to break up the awkward tension. He walks forwards into the creek. We walk until we get to the edge of the water that is peacefully flowing. The sound of the water and the birds singing is so beautiful, I just want to listen to their music forever.

"Man this is beautiful Dallon. I see why u love this place so much." Ryan speaks up ruining the peace. I scowl at him and huff out some air in frustration. Dallon's eyes are closed as he just takes in the music of nature, his only response to Ryan is a slight nod of his head.  I walk down the side of the water trying to look for any easy place to cross.  I find a way across and continue exploring alone. As I walk I come across a familiar rock.  It's a huge bolder that sticks out from the ground and goes slightly over the water.  There are trees surrounding it making it a hide away from the brutal sun.  I climb up to the edge of the rock that looks over the water and take a seat.  My feet are dangling as I just sit and stare at the steady stream below.  Dallon and I use to come here all the time and sit on this rock.  We called it the thinking rock.  We would sit and just talk about life and our plans for the future, you know deep shit.  We also had a strict rule of no making out on the thinking rock and by we I'm mean Dallon.  I was always trying to break that rule.

Sitting alone on this rock, where I sat so many times before with the love of my life, makes me feel so lonely I think my heart might explode.  I feel tears start to brim the edges of my eyes and I just want to dull the pain.  I want a joint or a beer.  Shit I would even take some Novocain just so I can't feel like this any more.  I feel tears start to run down my cheeks.  I don't want to cry but I can't control it and that just makes me cry harder.  I don't want Dallon or Ryan seeing me like this so I silently cry by myself.  As I'm bawling my eyes out I feel a hand on my shoulder.  As I turn around I'm hoping it's Dallon here to comfort me but instead of seeing a tall glass of water I see a short familiar face.

"What happened Brendon?"  Patrick asked as he sits down next to me.

"What how did you know I was here?  Why are you here?"  I ask in between my sobs. 

"Shh I'll explain later just tell me what's wrong."  He says pulling me into a hug.  Why the hell is Patrick here?  We are practically in the middle of the woods.  What the fuck.  I'm to overwhelmed with emotion so I can't logic out Patrick's sudden appearance but I'm glad he's here.

"I just miss Dallon so much.  I miss him more then anything in the world and it hurts.  I just want to numb the pain." I start to sob even harder. 

"Aren't you on tour with him right now?  You get to see him every day, don't you?" Patrick's voice is soft and soothing. 

"It's not the same anymore, I thought it would go back to the way it was but it's not.  I want to hug him, kiss him, or at least hold his hand." My flood of tears soak Patrick's shirt.  "I should just give up.  He's never going to love me the way I love him.  He's always going to hate me.  I just need to get crossed and party so I can stop feeling this way."

"That's not the solution Bren, you can't just give up again.  And you sure as hell cant just keep covering your pain with booze and weed." He looks at me sternly.  "You giving up on Dallon will lead you to giving up on ur self and that's not ok.  You need to better your life not throw it away."

I nod my head and hug him tight.

"Now go back to them and have fun." He gives me a genuine smile and a finale tight hug before getting up and disappearing into the trees.

As I walk back to where Dallon and Ryan are I'm filled with anger.  If Ryan wasn't here then Dallon would have been the one to comfort me.  Ryan is distracting Dal from what's important.  Our friendship,  our relationship is what is important.  Ryan is ruining everything.

"Oh hey Bren where did you disappear to?"  Dallon asks with a smile.  His smile fades as I walk closer.  He sees my puffy red eyes and tear stained cheeks. "Are you okay Brendon?"  He walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm just peachy.  Let's just go back to the venue." I say shoving Dallon's hand off my shoulder.

"Are you sure you don't want to show Ryan any of our favorite spots. It might make you feel better."  Dallon tries to cheer me up with no success, it just makes me angrier.

"No Dallon, I don't want to show a stranger what use to be our favorite places in the world.  I don't want to show him where we use to talk, laugh and be happy together!" I yell at Dallon.

"S-sorry."  Dallon quietly says.

"Well I'm not fucking sorry." I snap at him and storm off.  I know I made Dallon upset and I know he hates being yelled at.  I know I shouldn't have yelled and that I'm blowing things out of proportion.  I'm just so angry.  Walking out of the creek I felt numb.  So numb that I thought I might me dead.

Idk how but he found me (Brallon) Where stories live. Discover now