13) The Good,

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Brendon's POV

I had to stay in the hospital a week longer so the doctors could make sure I am stable both physically and mentally. I tried to explain that I wasn't trying to kill myself but they didn't believe me. My entire tour got put on hold. I feel horrible I didn't just let my friends down, I let my fans down. The people that I'm supposed to be a role model for. I'm starting up touring again in 8 weeks from where the shows are already booked for. The dates that I miss are being reschedule. I feel horrible about everything. I can't believe I did something this stupid. I finally truly fucked up. I haven't hear from Patrick in 5 days and I'm honestly kinda worried. Last time we talked he wasn't doing good. He was blaming himself for what I did and calling himself a failure. Patrick is such a pure soul and I just want him to realize that he's the only reason I didn't die in that hotel room.

The only thing that is good is I get to leave the hospital today. Dallon stayed with me most of the days I was stuck here but today he had to go out. He is insisting that I'm not left alone and that he comes and stays at my place for a while. He feels partly responsible for what happened even though I told him many times it's not his fault. He went grocery shopping so when I get home I could have all my favorite foods. Dally is such a good person I really don't deserve him as a friend. He's supposed to be back to take me home soon.

About an hour passes and Dallon comes in the room ready to go.

"Ok so I bought a bunch of ice cream because I couldn't remember which one is your favorite. I also got a few bags of chips, cookies, and pizza for dinner." He tells me with a huge smile as we walk to the car.

"Dally you are going to make me so fat." I whine and laugh at my own childishness.

"You're right that's a lot of junk. We can get real food tomorrow if you want."

At the house Dallon was practically glued to my side.  I tried to smoke a blunt and he immediately took it away and scolded me.  I tried to explain that a little weed wasn't going to hurt anyone but he wasn't having it.  He wouldn't even let me have a beer.  We sat around talking and watching stupid YouTube videos all day.  It was around 10:30pm and I was getting seriously bored.

"Ugh can we do something other than being lazy asses?"  I fling my arms around him.  Dal laughs and pushes me off.

"What do you want to do?"  He asks.

"We should go swimming.  A good night swim will get out all my energy."  I jump up not even waiting for his response. 

"I don't have any swim shorts."  He plainly states.

"Well just borrow a pair of mine."

"Beebo, your swim shorts will be way to small on me.  Have you seen how tall I am?"  He laughs again standing up beside me.

"Well then just go in your boxers or better yet you can swim naked."  I tease him.

"What!  There is no way I'm going naked!"  He freaks out.

"What it's not like I haven't seen it all before."  I smile and start walking to the pool.  I turn and see Dal's face is bright red.  "I'll go naked to if it makes you feel better."

"Oh shut up.  I'll just swim in my boxers." He joins me at the edge of the pool.  I take off my shirt and jeans and Dallon does the same.  We are both standing in our boxer at the edge of the pool.

"Just like old times, except I think we would have started kissing by now."  I laugh and out of no where I'm under water.  Dallon shoved me into the pool then quickly jumped in after me.  "You little dickhead!"  I laugh as I surface and splash him.

"You deserved it."  He splashes me back.

"You're right but that doesn't mean you don't deserve this..."  I splash as much water as I can right into Dallon's face.

"Oh you asked for war now!"  He splashes me back.  We splash each other and chase each other trying to dunk the other.  Dallon catches me and dunks me under for a little too long without realizing it and I come up coughing my lungs up.

"Brendon I'm sorry.  It was an accident, are you okay?"  Dallon quickly apologizes and helps me over to the side of the pool.  I lift myself on to the side while continuing to cough up a mound of chlorine.  Dallon continues to have a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine.  It's okay."  I spit out in between coughs.  Dallon joins me sitting on the edge of the pool.

"I think this calls for a truce." I nod my head in agreement as I let out my final coughs.  Dal wraps one arm around my shoulder and I place my head on his. 

"I'm sorry Dally."

"For what?"  He gives me a confused look.

"For everything I put you through this past month.  Asking you to tour with me, for acting like a complete ass, for being an idiot and almost dying.  I'm most importantly sorry for ever cheating on you.  You didn't deserve that and you had every right to never want to see me again.  I'm just sorry."  I look him in the eyes, I genuinely what to make things right.  I'm tired of being a fuck up.  At first we sit in silence, Dallon doesn't respond or even move.  After about two minutes he responds.

He takes a deep breath in "Brendon.." and sighs.  "This month hasn't been complete hell.  Except for waiting in the hospital for you to wake up, that was hell.  I would be lying if I said I never missed you.  I even thought of picking up the phone and calling you sometimes.  I'm so happy that you asked me to be on this tour and that we get to hang out again.  As far as the cheating goes, can we just put it behind us?" He puts his hand on my knee and gives me a half smile.  I nod my head yes and just take a moment to stare at his face.  I want to kiss his soft pink lips more than anything right now.  I want to hug him and kiss him and be with him forever.  But I know that tonight is not the night for that.  My later in the summer the moon will meet the sun.

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