Belieber Girl : Part 21

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Justin : Niyu, I think I must go to California and remove all the misunderstanding. After removing misunderstanding, I will come back to Ontario.

Niyati : yes, but First you should call her and ask her where she is right now. Maybe she is out of California. You should call her and confirm it that where is she....

Justin : yes, you are right. I should call her.

Justin calls Hailey
Hailey attends the call
justin keeps call in speaker mode

Justin : Baby , where are you?

Hailey : I am in New York with my parents. I am not lying you .... I am really with my parents.

Justin : baby, I know you are not lying me..... By the way, I called you to say sorry. Sorry because I didn't understand your situation. Sorry because I got angry at you and I returned to Canada in anger. Please forgive me.

Hailey : Why are you saying me sorry? I should say sorry to you. Because it's all are my fault. I really shouldn't lied to you. Please forgive me. I'll never lie to you again.

Justin : The whole mistake is not your fault even half the mistake is also mine. Do not apologize. By the way, you are with your parents so enjoy it.

Hailey : baby, I am so happy because you forgave me... But I'm still feeling guilty for my lie. I'll never broke your trust again. I am so lucky because I have you as a husband. You really are a sensible husband. I love you so much, baby!!

Justin : you don't need to feel guilty. You did what you felt right then. And anyway we take a wrong decision in haste. Don't think about it, and enjoy with your family. Love you, baby !!! Bye baby!!

Hailey : bye baby!!

Then he cuts the call

Niyati : hello baby , love you baby....

she starts to copying him and Hailey and she laughs.

Niyati : you both are really so cute. You both are like love birds!!...

Justin : plzz don't copy me and her. By the way, I thought that you would feel jealous. But I was wrong.

Niyati : no baby, I am not feeling jealousy.

She starts to copying him again and she laughs

Niyati : baby, dear, honey, shona, hubby

And suddenly she stops after saying hubby.

Niyati : Sorry Justin, I did not want to say you hubby. By mistake, I said it. Please forget it..

Justin : No problem niyu!! Just chill!! Its not a big deal. Once you said that you also like to spend time in nature.
I am going to the beach ... will you come with me? At this time, there will be no crowd. So we can go there and enjoy it!! Your examination has ended today so you have so much time. So please come with me. Please don't say no.

Niyati : yeah, of course!! Why would I say no to you? I like nature. We will see the sunset together. I have never seen a beach. For this reason, the beach will also be seen. It is called "Doing two things with single attempt". I really like to see sunset. I like to see when the last ray of the sun falls on the water..... It looks so beautiful.

Justin : let's go!!

Then they both goes outside of his house. They both enter the car.
Justin starts the car.

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