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So this is my life, I was born in Israel and raised in Scotland, there's been so much drama in my life time and I'm kinda used tae it now, I'm one of the youngest female wrestlers in the world and I've always been underestimated.
My Year of ups and downs officially began in 2014, this is whits happened.....
I was 21 and obviously I made a stupid mistake dating a guy who did nit respect me at all, I was with him since High School, whit can I say? I was young and since then tae 2014 he had been violent tae me, that day I saw sense to break up with him.
I went out with my best friend Jenna and I had no idea he was at the bar I was in, I talked tae Jenna aboot why I had nit seen her in awhile, I obviously went tae the bar in secret without telling him and for some reason he knew I was coming here but I did nit tell him that at all.
Me: "Hi Jen"
Jenna: "Hey, how are you? I haven't seen you in awhile"
Me: "I'm fine"
Jenna: "No your nit"
Me: "How do you know that?"
Jenna: "I can tell by the look on your face, I know he's been at it again, nit letting you go out with your mates, watching over you every time you text someone on your phone, wanting tae know where you are every day of the week, come on Brooke, he's a control freak and even your brother Noam, he could tell you that, he would actually agree with me on this one"
Me: "Look I shouldn't even be here anyway, but I made it tae see you because I didn't want tae let you down..... Again, at least keep quiet aboot it, please?"
Jenna: "Fine, but you've gotta see some sense, You know wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late if you know whit I mean, I'm just going tae the lasses room, okay lass? Get It together Beth!"
Me: "Ok"
So Jenna went into the lass' room and here comes my Fella at the time Lewis....
Me: "Lewis, whit are you doing here?"
Lewis: "And whit are you doing here? I told you nit tae hang out with that slapper, she's a bad influence!"
Me: "Jenna? The bad influence? Really? You might want tae take a look at yourself and look in the mirror, I'm done with this crap and I'm done with you"
Lewis: *Laughs* "Don't be so ridiculous whit are you trying tae say?"
Me: "Whit I'm saying is.... Me and you.... we are finished!"
Lewis went crazy and attacked me in front of so many people because I stood up tae him for the first time ever, normally I obey his commands but nit anymore, nit tonight and everyone was in shock and only one brave man called the Police.
1 hour later......
The Police turn up and look for Lewis....
Andy (Policeman): "Lewis Thomson?"
Lewis: "Yeah?"
Andy: "Your under arrest for Assault you don't have tae say anything in question which you later rely on in court, anything you do say will be given in as evidence, Do you understand?"
Lewis: "Yeah"
So Lewis was dragged out of the Bar by the Police and everyone was still raving as tunes were still playing out loud and I was in the lasses room crying my eyes out, Jenna could hear me.
Jenna: "Beth, whit happened?"
Me: "He found out I was here, I stuck up for myself like you said then he attacked me, the Police had just come out tae arrest him"
Jenna: "Whit?!?!?! I'm gonna kill him"
Me: "Jenna, NO!"
Before I said it she went out of the room tae look for him, the Police were outside the bar and reported the incident tae the office through the radio thing they have....
Lewis: "I never touched her"
Policeman: "One man detained for assault"
Then this woman screams from the top of her lungs "Help" as she runs down tae the Police histerically.
Policeman: "Just calm down... Now tell me whits happened?"
Woman: "My boyfriend is getting attacked outside the chippy, there's loads of them, please you have tae help, he didn't do anything"
Policeman: "Ok, I've been reported aboot a fight outside the chip shop"
Then Andy the other police officer was with my ex boyfriend Lewis and then Jenna comes outside the bar and sees them standing outside the bar....
Jenna: "Whit was that all aboot hey? Whit have you done?!"
Andy: "Just calm down yeah? Just go home"
Lewis: "She won't because she's a Daft Lassie!"
Jenna: "She is my best friend I won't let this go, Whit did she ever do tae you hey? You are scum Lewis, absolute SCUM BAG!"
Andy: "Get back, Go home, Do you want tae get arrested as well?"
(Jenna hitting out at Lewis wanting to kill him but Andy the officer was holding her back)
Lewis: "It's not my fault you are just jealous?"
Jenna: "Me jealous? JEALOUS!? WHITS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
Andy: "Stop it... Stop It...STOP IT!"
Andy was trying tae fight Jenna and Lewis off of each other and I told Jenna that going out there was a very bad idea then the fight outside the chippy got too dangerous for one policeman tae deal with and the other policeman came up on the radio microphone thing calling for Andy's assistance.
Policeman: "ANDY HELP! ANDY!!!"
So I walked out of the bar as soon as I saw whit was happening right in front of me, I went out tae calm Jenna down, she was on the verge of really ripping Lewis's head off at that point.
Me: "Jenna, leave it, he's nit worth it, come on, let's go home"
So Jenna stopped whit she was doing, gave him the death glare and went to follow me, another police car arrived after Andy hit the panic button and Lewis was thrown in the police car as Andy the officer rushed to the other policeman's aid.
It was a nightmare night like I knew it would be and I always believed it was my fault, I was the daft girl who always blamed myself for everything and honestly it was not my fault, it was the fact that things happen and there was nothing I could do aboot them, but I guess the good thing was Lewis is now out of my life for good, well for the time being and for now I'm free and I don't have tae worry aboot a thing tae do with Lewis anymore.

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