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So the next day, I was asleep and I heard my phone buzzing/ Vibrating, it woke me up so I looked on my phone and it was Noam, he texted me tae tell me tae put on the news so I did and I couldn't believe what I saw.
On the News they confirmed that the unidentified person was my friend (Jenna) who had threw herself on tae the tracks and was ran over by a train and died.
I could nit believe it, I was throwing up at some point too, I was on the verg of tears, why would Jenna do that? She was happy, she didn't really give me warning signs that something was wrong.
(TJ knocks on the door)
So I opened the door and he saw me upset and devastated, he obviously doesn't know whit had happened to Jenna.
TJ: "What's wrong?"
Me: "Jenna, She took her own life"
TJ: "Your best friend Jenna?"
Me: "Yeah"
TJ: "How?"
Me: "Apparently she threw herself in front of a train"
TJ: "Oh My God, That's awful"
Me: "I know"
Noam found the suicide note and gave it tae me, The reason behind her doing this was due to financial problems, I always thought she was fine.
Why did she hide something like that from me? I just don't get it and she also mentioned aboot her boyfriend abusing alohol on the suicide note too, she told me he made her happy and there was no problems.
She lead me into believing she was happy when she was nit happy at all, as a matter of fact she must have planned to do that for months.
Me: "She told me she was fine and there was no problems"
Noam: "Clearly she had lots of things tae hide and she must have gone through a lot"
TJ: "Yeah probably"
I eventually found out that she didn't intend on going for the tracks she just wanted tae get away from her partner who done nothing but abuse alcohol and take her money everytime she gets it but that was her only hope, tae jump in front of the tracks the way she did.
That day I found out my best friend died was probably one of my darkest days, I think that day was just pure silence and the fact is that now I feel lost without her and I feel bad because she helped me out when Lewis kicked off.
I didn't know she had her problems but she told me it was for the best and her boyfriend is now arrested for assault tae, things just aren't going right, I'm so angry at myself right now, I'm done.

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