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So after everything that happened I recovered and TJ made an appearance, he wanted tae talk tae me and I was shocked.
I thought he was mad at me because he was really hurt but the truth had tae be told and he knows that already.
TJ: "Drew, Do you know where Brooke went?"
Drew: "Yeah just down that way"
TJ: "Thanks Drew"
(So TJ saw me and he knocked on the door)
Me: "Yeah?"
TJ: "Hi, it's me"
Me: "Hi"
TJ: "Can we talk?"
Me: "Of course, why Nit?"
TJ: "I heard about you being at hospital, I'm glad your ok"
Me: "Me too but TJ, I wasn't thinking aboot me at the time and I'm nit actually thinking aboot me either, I was thinking aboot you"
TJ: "Really?"
Me: "Yeah, I was, I'm sorry aboot whit happened between you and Julie, I really am sorry but I had tae tell you the truth, it killed me knowing this while you didn't know anything aboot it and Who's tae say she wouldn't fake a Miscarriage next?"
TJ: "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about, I wanted to Thank you actually about that, I could've made a big mistake out there and you made me realise what she's really like and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you in the first place"
Me: "It's ok TJ, you have tae make your own judgment on things in your life and you found out the hard way, like I did actually, I didn't know whit my ex Lewis was actually like until I turned 21"
TJ: "I'm sorry about that too, I didn't know what you were going through"
Me: "I thought you didn't want tae talk tae me after everything that happened because I thought you were mad at me"
TJ: "No, I wasn't mad at you but I was mad at Julie for cheating and lying to me about the pregnancy, plus I needed space anyway from everything that happened, so yeah it's totally not your fault, you're my best friend I wouldn't ever be mad at you"
Me: "Ok"
TJ: "I don't know if I can ever love again after what happened and what she did to me"
Me: "You will, trust me, I didn't think I would but I actually realised I actually still do love someone after all"
TJ: "Who's that?"
Me: "I'm sorry, I have tae go"
I can't believe I chickened out of telling TJ how I really feel but anyway I was on the phone telling Jenna aboot whit happened with me and Julie and whit happened tae me and Julie afterwards.
Jenna was really worried aboot me but I reassured her I was ok and things are fine, I can't believe I didn't tell him aboot my feelings for him.
I was this close but anyway I don't wanna lose him again, I already lost him once, I won't lose him again, I refuse tae give up on him, it's either now or never.

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