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Like I knew she would, she accepted TJ's proposal tae her and he has obviously spoken tae her aboot her threatening behaviour towards me and she obviously done whit I said she'd do and act innocent and that's exactly whit she did in front of me, she apologised tae me yeah but she also acted as if we are mates when we are nit.
Julie: "Hey Brooke"
Me: "Hi Julie"
Julie: "Please call me Jewels, Oh by the way I'm so sorry for my behaviour the other day, I get into one of those mood swings because I'm a woman and I'm 12 weeks pregnant"
Me: "It's really ok, but just so you know I won't put up with that again"
Julie: "Oh... I know that, that's why I wanted to be friendly and invite you to my hen party"
Me: "Really? You're inviting me there?"
Julie: "Yep"
Me: "Ok see you there"
Julie: "Looking forward to seeing you, have a nice day"
Me: "You too"
Then when she left I just rolled my eyes, I know she will probably change her ways again when I'm at the Hen party.
Noam: "Your really gonna go tae her party?"
Me: "Tae see her make a show of herself yeah, Why not?"
Noam: "Ok, Good luck with that then"
I'm just looking forward tae see her screw up, even if it's just one time, she thinks she's perfect but she's so nit she's a bitch and I'm surprised TJ hadn't clocked on it sooner then again I'm nit surprised because he's too inlove with her tae even see my point when it comes tae Jewels.
Their wedding is in a couple of weeks and I hope for his sake that this is whit he wants because tae me I think he deserves better than whit he has already got, I know he can do better even with me than with her, she's one joke, I know it, my brother knows it, my best friend knows it and even the whole 205 Live cruiserweights know it too and they can all back me up on it.

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