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I was still upset aboot last weeks news and Jenna's funeral will be soon, it will be held in Scotland, far far away from her Partner, I feel bad because I thought she was fine, I know I'm sounding like a broken record but I still can't believe it.
Noam: "Are You Ok TJ?"
TJ: "Yeah I'm fine, what about you?"
Noam: "I'm alright thanks"
TJ: "How is Brooke? I haven't seen her since Well last week when she found out her friend died"
Noam: "She's still devastated aboot it and she still blames herself and wishes she could've done something but she's nit Wonder Woman, she does have tae realise that shit happens and there's nothing you can do about it expect learn from it in the future"
TJ: "True"
Noam: "I mean I know she feels bad because Jenna helped her out when Lewis kicked off but obviously this has gone on for over 10 years and obviously she still loved the guy, I mean Jenna's fella he actually wasn't bad but when he had that alcohol abuse problem he was never the same after it and he's still not the same after it now"
TJ: "Yeah but I think Brooke blames herself for a lot of things"
Noam: "She does"
Both Noam and TJ were talking aboot me while having a drink and tae be honest I think I bother TJ quite a lot but he doesn't care, he told me himself he's always happy tae see me, then again I have noticed that he's more happier with me than he was with Julie and that was so true.
Noam: "So How is everything going? Now your nit with you know who"
TJ: "Good actually, I do think I made the right choice not to marry Julie actually, she was only a waste of my time, she was the biggest mistake I made, I told Brooke that about Julie but now Brooke thinks she's the waste of space and to me she's not, I like having her around"
Noam: "She's in one of these phrases again, she'll be ok"
Noam is right though, one of these days I will be ok but just nit right now, one day I will be over it but I can't help the fact that what happened was bad and if something similar like whit happened tae Jenna happens tae TJ then I would never forgive myself for it but all I'm gonna have tae do is accept whatever gets thrown in front of me.

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