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So time passes by even Jenna's funeral and now I'm totally over it, I'm also recovering from my neck injury I suffered because of Alicia Fox but I'll be ok.
TJ: "Hey Brooke, I haven't seen you in awhile, How are you?"
Me: "I'm fine, I'm over the whole thing regarding Jenna's death but this neck injury is really bringing me down"
TJ: "I'm sorry"
Me: "It's nit your fault TJ, it's really not"
TJ: "I know that, I just feel bad for you"
Me: "Everyone is feeling bad for me, TJ I don't want tae feel sorry for myself anymore, when I get back in that ring I will get my revenge on Alicia and I will be the RAW Women's Champion, Alexa is gonna have tae kill me to beat me"
(TJ Looks at me)
Me: "TJ, I'm being serious, I'm sick of people nit taking me seriously, I'm sick of people feeling sorry for me, I want people who I really care aboot tae finally be happy for me, not sorry"
TJ: "Well look what happened to me Brooke, I was homeless once, I landed my family and myself in the crap because I chased a selfish dream of mine, so took a gamble on the Cruiserweight Classic and I won the tornament, I was the first ever Cruiserweight Champion, so if anyone can relate to you, it's me"
Me: "You know, your right but I'm gonna be better than ever, I'm going tae beat everyone in sight and nothing is gonna stop me"
(TJ just looks at me)
Me: "Nit just that Lewis is out of prison and on the loose, that really got me down too, because of him I feel like I can never trust anyone again"
TJ: "How do you think I feel? I didn't realise Julie was using me until you crashed the wedding and made me realise I didn't need someone like that in my life, She lied to me just like Lewis lied to you, like I said before we are in the same boat as each other"
Me: "Yeah I guess we we are"
(I looked down)
TJ: "I know what your thinking, When it comes to me you think that your in my way but honestly your not in the way, Brooke you make me happy, I love you"
(I was shocked when I heard him say that tae me)
Me: "And I love you too"
TJ Smiled and we Kissed, We have been secretly dating for months now, it's never been public because of Julie and Lewis, well especially Lewis and well whit can I say, I'm lucky tae have TJ in my life and at least he's nit like Lewis and I'm not like Julie.
I'm glad I made TJ see my point when I did or he'd never be mine, I can only imagine my future with him in it now and Lewis won't ever change that for me now.

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