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After RAW debut of the 205 Live Cruiserweights....
I saw TJ again on his own nit with his girlfriend for once and honestly I was so speechless, he's so Handsome, this time I actually got tae speak tae him for real this time.
Me: "Hey there, Are You alright?"
TJ: "Hey...Yeah, I'm fine thanks"
(He saw me and he just couldn't stop looking at me)
Me: "TJ...."
TJ: "Oh... I'm sorry"
Me: "It's okay, anyway... How are things?"
TJ: "Things are going Great, I feel on top of the world right now, Winning the Cruiserweight Classic, Gained a Beautiful Girlfriend, she's my Princess, yeah Anyway, What about you?"
Me: "Oh I'm alright, I guess"
TJ: "By the way, I think I've seen you around before, Who are you?"
Me: "My Name is Brooke... Brooke Dar"
TJ: "You mean Dar as in Noam Dar? So you're Noam's sister?"
Me: "That's me"
TJ: "Wow, Noam never told me he has a sister working for the company too, Anyway Everyone knows who I am anyway so yeah, anyway nice to meet you"
(We shook hands and it was awkward)
Me: "Ok, you too, bye now"
I seemed really happy in that moment then I saw that girl again.
Whit the fuck does he see in her?
For Real?
She looks like one of these girls Who think they own the place, Who think they are the bloody Queen when she is nit, Beautiful yes but come on he can do better, pity I can't deny her beauty, I just can't say she's ugly because it ain't true.
I saw her with him kissing him then she approached me while Jenna was around with me and I just looked at her, nit realising she wanted tae talk to me.
Julie: "Hey baby"
TJ: "Hello beautiful"
(They kissed)
Julie: "I'm just gonna talk to that girl over there, okay?"
TJ: "Ok"
(So she walks over tae my direction)
Julie: "Hello there"
Me: "Hi, I'm Brooke"
Julie: "And I'm Julie, TJ's Girlfriend"
(Julie looks at Jenna)
Jenna: "Oh I'm Jenna, Brooke's best friend"
Julie: "How sweet, two best friends"
Me: "Yeah"
Julie: "Yeah, I saw you the way you looked at MY Boyfriend, smiling, constantly looking at him, flirting with him, oh by the way I don't care who you are or what you do around here but I am warning you, If I ever see you near My Man again, I'll make sure, You, Your Best Friend and Your Brother Noam don't ever work or even set foot in this company again, Do you understand me?"
Me: "yeah"
Julie: "I didn't hear you, Do I make myself clear!?"
Me: "Yeah... Crystal clear"
Julie: "Good"
(Julie smirks and walks away)
Jenna: "I hate that lass, Seriously? Who does she think she is?"
Me: "Yeah some Princess she is"
Jenna: "Who is she tae say she can get rid of us?"
Me: "Well she can, The McMahon family will do anything tae gain attention, especially screwing others out of opportunities, I mean look whit happened tae Bret Hart and Chyna"
Jenna: "Now I see your point"
Me: "Who is tae say she won't make up lies aboot me just tae get me out of this company?"
Jenna: "I can imagine her tae do something like that tae you, she seems evil"
Me: "Well TJ seems tae think she's some kinda angel, God Bless our world if women like her are classed as princesses in this society"
Jenna: "More like the devil"
Me: "Yeah, anyway, let's just forget aboot her, she's nit worth the hassle"
Jenna: "Yeah, come on, let's go"
So we went our own way, I honesty acted as if I didn't care aboot TJ when really I do, I hope she doesn't completely treat him like dirt, he seems like a great guy, anyone would be lucky tae be with him, she needs tae consider herself lucky, because she'll never know whit she has until it's gone.

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