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After losing the Cruiserweight Title tae Brian Kendrick a couple of weeks ago TJ seems tae be doing great, especially with "Jewels" around and I try not tae get jealous at this point, All I did was just look at them but they did not see me.
Julie: "I can't believe you lost the title"
TJ: "I know, anyway it was bound to happen, but I'll get my title back soon I know it"
Julie: "I have every faith in you"
(They kissed)
Every time I see them kissing I think I just want tae be sick, so I walked away and I saw my Brother around, he saw me too....
Noam: "Ok Whit is going on here? Why are you so full of jealousy?"
Me: "Ok do you really want me tae tell you?"
Noam: "Yeah"
Me: "Ok"
(I shut the door)
Me: "You know Your friend TJ?"
Noam: "Well of course"
Me: "I think I kinda like him and as for his Gf, well he doesn't know whit she's really like, She's all innocent in front of him but behind his back she's one bitch, she even threatened tae get me, you and Jenna out of the building for good if I ever spoke to TJ again when I only ever spoke to him once"
Noam: "Whit? Who does she think she is?"
Me: "My Point exactly"
Noam: "Well I'm on Team Brooke now"
Me: "She's nit really that innocent as she portrays herself to be"
Noam: "She thinks she owns the place clearly"
Me: "Oh Yeah"
Noam: "I hope someone shows TJ whit she's really like"
Me: "It's like you say, TJ is Dafty"
Noam: "Yeah"
Me: "If she ever threatens me again then I swear I will wipe the floor with her"
Then I didn't realise TJ could hear us so he knocked on the door and me stupidly opens the door.
TJ: "So I believe Julie is the topic of the conversation?"
Me: "Yeah she is actually, she made threats tae me weeks ago, TJ she isn't as Innocent as she looks, come on even everyone knows that, your probably the only one who doesn't know it"
TJ: "Julie is a sweetheart, I know her she wouldn't do anything like that, myself and Julie are gonna get married if she says yes to me tonight, you better not attend the wedding Brooke, she's up the wall enough as it is being pregnant"
Me: "Oh so your using her pregnancy as a excuse for her behaviour?"
TJ: "She can get like that, you probably would if you were in her position but all I'm saying is please don't ruin this for me, I'm happy and so is she"
Me: "Ok I won't but you better tell her that her behaviour was unacceptable the other day"
TJ: "Well she's sorry ok, I'm sure she never meant it, she's insecure at the moment"
Me: "You are still making excuses for the girl? Seriously?"
Noam: "Brooke, he said he'd speak tae her, just let it go"
TJ: "Just give me a chance, please ok?"
Me: "Fine but just so you know, I'm nit having her putting me over a barrel like that ever again"
TJ: "Ok, I'll speak to her about it, I promise, have a good day, both of you"
So Clearly TJ did not hear the part "I kinda like him" because that was before he got tae the door and he did nit question me aboot it, he only questioned me aboot Julie because that was the name mentioned by the time he got tae the door.
Noam: "So he's gonna ask her tae marry him and she's pregnant and they've only been with each other for 6 months? That's quick"
Me: "Noam, He told me he knew her for sometime only it took so long to be with her, now I can understand and see why"
Noam: "Yeah"
So yeah I calmed down for a wee bit because I know TJ is alright, he'll tell her but yeah, now she's probably gonna act innocent like she always does when she's caught out but there you go, that's Julie for Ya.

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