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So after all that chaos I finally got in tae contact with my brother Noam, he told me tae move back while he smashed the window and he did that and that's how I eventually managed tae get out of the car.
Noam: "Are You Ok Sis?"
Me: "Yeah I'm fine, I'm more worried about TJ, Where is he?"
Noam: "There he is"
TJ was on the floor flat out and he was bleeding, Noam sent him tae the hospital, TJ was beaten badly and he couldn't get a response from TJ either and I got all worried about him.
Me: *Tearful* "This is all my fault, Whit Are we gonna do?"
Noam: "We can visit him"
Me: "I hope he's ok, this is all my fault"
I look down and felt tears coming down my face, I know I didn't do the physical damage tae TJ but I'm the cause of why he got beaten up and I already lost Jenna, I don't want tae lose him too, I'll never forgive himself if anything happened tae him right now.
Off tae the hospital myself and Noam go and we are in TJ's room and he's unconscious in the hospital bed and all I could do is sit next tae him and hope for the best, he did nit deserve this and I see it was all my fault.
Me: "I'm so sorry TJ, this is all my fault"
(I hold his hand and I'm crying)
Noam: "I'm just going for some air it's hot in here"
Me: "Ok"
(Noam left the room)
Me: "This is all my fault, I let you down like I let everyone else down, I already lost Jenna, I can't lose you too, I can't live without you.... I love you TJ"
14 hours later......
TJ got better, I'm so glad he's ok, like I said I would've never of forgiven myself if the alternative would've happened.
Me: "TJ, I'm so glad your ok"
TJ: "What the hell happened?"
Me: "You were attacked by my ex and his thugs and they locked me in the back of a car"
TJ: "How did you get out?"
Me: "Noam had tae smash the window"
TJ: "Oh"
Me: "I thought I lost you"
TJ: "It's Ok, I'm me and I'm still here"
Me: "I would've never of forgiven myself if anything happened tae you"
TJ: "This is not your fault, I do not blame you, I understand, If I were you I wouldn't Marry him either"
Me: "Thank you for understanding me"
TJ: "I might have been flat out but I heard what you said 14 hours ago"
Me: "You did?"
TJ: "Yeah I did and you haven't let me down, as a matter of fact you inspire me"
Me: "Really?"
TJ: "Yeah"
Me: "Oh I'm glad tae hear that TJ"
TJ: "The Doctor said I could go now, come on let's go"
Me: "Ok"
All night I really felt like I've known TJ for a long time although I knew him for a year and although I felt stupid for letting him being attacked he knew there was nothing I could do aboot it, he understood that and he's treated me like a Princess thoughout the whole relationship so far, he's done a hell of a lot more than whit Lewis did.
Lewis treated me like a piece of shit nearly all the time I knew him, With TJ he is really different and I don't think I'll find anyone else like him, I hope this goes well.

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