First impressions

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I don't remember how long I have been doing this. Maybe that's a good thing. To not remember, so then you don't miss what you don't have. And hate what you do have.

I force the power out of me and onto the scenery before me. I'm destroying this town for the second time today. When it starts coming down in flames, I peace. I have a sense of accomplishment, like I was made to keep things under control. In the beginning I knew what happened if I don't destroy. Pain. Everything feels wrong. The pull towards deleting becomes consuming. But with only ending two universes I still feel the weight.

After leaving the screams behind in ashes, I head to the calmer part of the forest. The snow falls as I descend to the ground. The snow covered tress give a false sense of security, like nothing could disrupt me as I delete the remaining code of this universe. But before I could wipe anything out of existence I hear a branch break.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I hear someone behind me shout. Ha, talk about the sense of security. I turn around quickly closing the coding. There is a person in front of me. And confusion is apparent in both of our faces, only his is tainted with anger.

His face is of pure white, unlike mine being surrounded by error signs. He almost looks Unlike my black bones his are white. Compared to me, he looks... pure. Untainted by the weight of the anti-void and the urge of destruction. Armed with a large paint brush and a stroke of determination, he almost looks like he wants to fight me. But why?

"Who are you?" He says less aggressively. He takes a step forward and I counteract with a step back. "Well who are you?" I respond, voice harsh with glitches.

"I'm Ink." He says quickly, holding up the paint brush in a offensive position. "Now were you the one that thought it was a good idea to blow up that entire village?!" He says with an eye glowing. "Yes I am, and the name is Error."

The next move he made was one that shocked me.

He attacked.

The paint burned but the fear lasted even after the pain was gone. Down on the ground, the snow picks up the green paint. Making it look like a leprechaun was just killed.

"How could you just destroy everything without mercy?! That is not okay, Error!" He says. Does he not know it has to be done? Ink grabs my shoulders and leaves his paint brush to lay in the snow next to him. I meet him in the eyes. It's different being able to reflect in someone other than yourself. To know that there is a conscious behind those eyes is a great feeling. Almost like you aren't alone.

"I have this gift to create Error and I don't know why you have to always get in the way." He says calming down. He seems as confused about everything as I do. "Why are you compelled to destroy?" He asks with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Because I have to." I wrench his grip off my shoulders. How dare he think that creating is good? It has only brought pain and confusion. I have to constantly destroy the creations to keep balance, but maybe the true answer is to destroy the creator?

"Error, you don't have to! That the whole point I'm trying to make!" He grabs the paint brush yet again. And here I was hoping to make a friend, but I know friends wouldn't want to inflict pain. Unceasingly creating causes pain. Doesn't he know that?

"My point is that creating needs to be destroyed."

He throughs the first attack. I only defend my self. Pulling on the power to summon bones to block his flying paint. Colors fly everywhere and it takes all of my power to prevent their burn. I make no move to take offense. And that's my mistake.

Red covers my eyes and BURNS. I claw at my eye sockets while my legs shake. I can't see. I can't see. No. No. No. I'm too panicked to hear what's around me. I'm defenseless and senseless. I should have attacked him first.

I fall back into a quick portal I made. And I know I am in the Anti-Void although I can't see it. Through the red I see the light of the reflecting white floor. I try to calm down, but only panic my self more. And before I know it I am curling up in a ball hoping that the paint with magically disappear and that I can stop seeing red. So much red. Too much color. Can't. See. Can't...........see.................

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