Breaking Illusions

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The Destroyer

"I'm sorry for just walking in, King Asgore." I appologize as we walk into the garden outside the Judgement Hall. There are golden flowers edging the walk way. All of the greenery almost gives the place the illusion that we are really outside. But they still aren't.

Down off to the side is an outdoor table. Around it are four matching chairs, along with an out of place faith chair amid the mix. Wondering why he would need a fifth chair does cross my mind as I sit down in one of the matching ones.

"There is nothing to apologize for, Ink. If you are here to see me, than there must be an important reason why." I put on a smile, trying to play the part of the creator. Nervousness cracks my mask and I don't know where to start. "I was wondering if you knew of a Royal Scientist before Alphys?" I ask directly. He looks off into the distance to think about the question.

"No, I don't think I recall anyone." He responds, confused with himself. I try to muffle my disappointed sigh and ask another question. "Do you know who wrote the symbols on the ceiling in the Judgement Hall? Do you have any idea of what they could mean?" I press. He continues to think about what I'm saying. But I can tell he isn't coming up with any answers.

"Those are all great questions Ink, but I don't know." He said, sorry to disappoint me further. He doesn't remember. This whole trip was for nothing. Of course he wouldn't know, the universe likes to bury her secrets deep. "It's not your fault." I say, with a hollow voice. For once today, I begin to feel empty. Tired.

I came all this way and I came up empty handed. And now I'm suffering the consequences of hope. Hope that I would figure this out and start to understand. Maybe even with new information of the Underground's past would help me uncover mine. But maybe I shouldn't remember, maybe it's better for me to be kept in the dark. You can't miss something you don't remember. And unlike Asgore's children they're gone forever.

He remembers the good times he had with his son and the human he had taken in. He remembers all the good times he had before his wife left him. He remembers the good times he had lost and will never get back.

"I also want to give my condolences." I say honestly. I don't know why that had come out of me, but it was something I had to say. Even if their death's had happened a long time ago, I can still give my support. I can only assume that a tragedy like that would weigh down on you everyday. Just like the pain of destruction becomes a burden that I bear.

"Oh...thank you Ink." He says quietly, staring down at the golden flowers. I must assume that Ink had already said something to Asgore when he found out, but I am not Ink. I remember the words of the monsters. Even now recalling the story of their past causes pain for them. "I know how it can be to lose someone." I say, hoping that maybe showing my reasons why I have brought up the topic won't cause any suspicions.

"I'm sorry for your loss, was it a family member?" He asks tentatively. I give a weak smile, "You could say that." I don't know who my family was. But I know I must have had one. A mom. A dad. A brother. They would have known me as me, and not a Destroyer. They would have known my favorite food, color, and hobby. They would have been there for me when no one else was...

So when I sit alone in the Anti-Void, facing the impossible everyday. They would have be gone. Cause if they weren't gone...then why...

Why didn't they come for me?

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