Moving Forward

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The Creator

I'm an artist not a mechanic. And that's why I let Sans have all the diagrams of the machine. When we decide that it's time to head down to the True Lab, I give Sans time to say goodbye to his brother. I wish I could have had time to do the same. But of course I only recall bits and pieces of my past. As I stand alone in the living room, recalling everything I can remember.
Out of all the dinners that me and my brother must have shared, is only represented by one memory. It was his birthday.

I had helped make the dinner, mostly because he had wanted me to. After we moved the mess of pots and pans into the sink, we went to sit at the table. The food may not have been good, but we enjoyed it. We laughed and told stories of things that I don't remember. But I remember the feeling. Of being together and enjoying each other's company. Just being a family.

"Alright, are you ready to go Ink?" Sans asks me. His voice shakes me out of my reminiscing. "Yep, do you have everything you need?" I ask, a little shocked with the big tool case he brought in. "Yeah, thought I might need it." He said casually. I nod, dumbfounded that he would even own a tool box.

He leads the way out the doors and I look down at the tracks Error had made. I just hope he doesn't get himself killed. Only because of my body gets dusted, then why am I going through all this effort? The growing headache is a dull reminder of why I haven't given up yet. The cold air is a warming slap to my face.

Going forward, I think of everything that we need to get done to fix this. We need to figure out what this machine did, how it did it, and if it can be reversed. And we only have 6 and a half hours to do it. I check Error's watch again. Who knew that he would own one, and try to be punctual.

"You ready for the Shortcut?" Sans asks me. I nod and catch up to him. We are in the forest, close to his sentry station. And before I can hold my breath, we jump. And in one fast, sickening motion, we arrive at the True Lab, just outside the Hot Lands. The pain echoes through my head as I try to hold myself steady. But before I could react fast enough, a few of the papers slip out of my hands. "Ink! Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Yes, I will be fine." He catches my selective wording and mentally tags my response. He knows now that I'm, in fact, not fine. But once we start to put the piece into place, we will be able to reverse the game into our favor.

Cause right now, we are fighting an uphill battle.

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