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I have already posted chapter 1 of Found in Hidden Darkness! Honestly I was too excited to wait after I wrote it.

Here is the amazing cover! I have outlined about 50 chapters and I can't wait to write it! (7-25-20 update, the sequel is now officially longer than the original book lol)

Here is the amazing cover! I have outlined about 50 chapters and I can't wait to write it! (7-25-20 update, the sequel is now officially longer than the original book lol)

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Here is the story description:

I won't be able to win this battle. But that doesn't mean I won't try.

I feel the magic leaking out of my bones...out of my soul. I have tried everything up to this point, but nothing seems to work. I can only pray that I can weaken them enough. Weaken the Determinator.

First it was the puppeteer. Now this. How can the universe hide such dark creatures in plain sight. I try to catch my breath. But I don't know if I even have the strength to look for it. My strings pull this creature forward. I have found what I was looking for. But at what price? Was my Determination enough?

But now I realize it was never enough...

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