The First Piece

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I want to wake Ink up and I have to refrain from shaking him to consciousness. But I'm running out of time and I don't have any other options. In frustration I press the palms of my hands to my eyes. I am sitting next to Ink while my mind is still processing what has happened.

We switched bodies. How?!  Was the mumbling a side affect from the blast? Did I babble incoherent nonsense before I woke up? I have no time to be confused. I try to stay focused and attentive towards any sounds of anyone approaching. But I can't help but let my questions take up space in my mind.

Why hasn't he waken up yet? I was closer to the blast then he was. That blast was excruciatingly painful and there would have to be some side effects from that. So when we...swapped, he took on the fatigue? And if so, I have no idea when I slept last. That's my bad.

I sense a headache blooming in the back of my head. I need to divert my attention to prevent going into further panic.

Removing the heels of my hands from my eyes, I notice that the papers I had the blast are nowhere to be found. Either they were destroyed in the blast or they magically disappeared. And in this place, those are both probable answers.

It freaks me out to look back at myself. How I lay on my side on the concrete floor, with my crooked glasses and relaxed demeanor. When I had initially found him, he was on the verse of crashing. But while I was going through my own panic attack, he miraculously calmed down. As a nervous habit, I wring my hands. Either I leave Ink here to see where those papers have gone or I wait until he wakes up to see what to do. I don't want to risk the chance of not being there when he does awake, but I can't sit here for hours.

Due to the fact of not knowing how long we've been down here, I go out to look for the papers. If he hasn't woken up yet, then he isn't going to ironically wake up exactly when I leave.

I turn around and see the machine up against the wall. The large mystery that is behind all of this looms bigger than the machinery itself. And that's why I started walking in the opposite direction. I go out of the room and through the only open door. It's the same door I entered before this all happened. Before I was ripped out of who I was and into some one I could never be. A Creator.

After a few minutes of going down the hall, I am about to turn back. But something catches my eye. The shadows reveal a change of color on the tile floor. A piece of hope in the form of a piece of paper. I snatch it up and search frantically for any others. But in this hallway we are both alone. Even in this darkness I can tell it's been torn almost in half horizontally. I try holding up to my face to see what it says. I mentally cross my fingers and hope that it's research on that machine. But there are no words.

No mysterious symbols.

In hasty confusion I hold it up even closer and aim it under the light...

It's a drawing?

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