Watching Them Burn

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I start to hear voices. Shouts of doubt, screams of hatred. They try to succumb me into further destruction. I close my eyes and try to breathe. They shout that I am worthless, but I know that isn't true. I was made for a reason, and it is my job to keep the universe from falling apart. But I wonder how I can do that when I am falling apart.

This would be the fifth universe to fall into oblivion today. After visiting Gaster, it has become a little harder to delete the code. I don't know if there is a virus that I have or that I'm just tired. But at this point, I can't slow down. Especially since Ink has started to make more AU's. I grip the support of a tree nearby as I wipe out the code. A wave of nausea hits me and I try to not fall down.

"ERROR!" Oh, it's Ink again. Why can't he just take like a 5 minute break so I can grab a snack. When was the last time I had chocolate...? "What are you doing here, Ink?" I ask, still leaning on the tree. In only a few minutes, this world is going to dissolve into oblivion. And if we don't get out of here soon, we will cease to exist. That doesn't sound like anything I want to do today.

"I am here to take you into my custody." He says strictly. "So your going to adopt me?" I joke with a struggled breath. "No, I'm going to arrest you." He says irritatedly, pinching the bridge of his non existent nose. "You know, that doesn't sound very appealing. And I'm pretty sure I can't pay the bail. So I think I am going to go now." I say, pushing myself off the tree. My steps backwards are shaky, but quick.

"You aren't going anywhere." He says, taking confident strides forward. I don't know if it's because he knows I'm not at my full strength, or because I jump back, but my bones begin to rattle more. He used to know why I did all of this, and I have tried explaining it to him again. But without his soul, he isn't the most compassionate version of himself.

"You are being charged with the crimes of the senseless destruction and genocide of thousands of universes." He says pushing me down with his paint brush. My breathing hitched and I try to shove it off of me. But I can't seem to get a grip on what's happening. He stands over me and all I can do is lay in the wet snow. I start to see behind him, the world is starting to go black. We need to get out of here now.

He doesn't seem to register what is going on behind him. So instead of pushing the paint brush off of me, I pull it and him, to the ground. From there I use the rest of my energy to make a portal. A the Doodle-Sphere.

His eyes are wide and he shouts as he falls through. My head rests in the snow and I try to summon the power required to get me out of here. I don't have enough time to contemplate on my decision. Whether it was right of me to save Ink. To save a soulless monster, the promise of a dead man.

But maybe the ashes of pages written in my dreams, can be pieced together. The promise that he had made, can be recreated. The hope I had, can be found again.

But as I lay in the disappearing snow, I don't know if I even have the will to get myself out of here. Let alone the willpower to try to make Ink listen and help me. I need to at least try. I need to keep going. I need to get to the next chapter. If hope doesn't help me in this dire time. I know what will.


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