The Multiverse Theory

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The Creator

I read through this journal faster than I have read anything in my entire life. I have an old piece of graph paper and pencil next to me. I take notes on what I believe will be important in the long run. And I have also tried making a key for the alphabet. I have most of the letters, mainly the common ones. Like A, D, G, and so on. The more peculiar letters that aren't used in common words are able to be deciphered with basic logic.

Soon enough I have almost everything translated. I continue in between lines, just as Sans did. After he found out that it was his hand writing, he had put more pressure on himself. On top of working on the machine, he now tries to remember why he would have known those symbols. Or why he would have had the journal in the first place. And let's just say with that added pressure, I see him start to bend. All I can do is try to prevent him from breaking.

There are no diagrams or even a mention of this illusive machine. The only evidence we have that it was made by the same scientist, are the papers from this AU. The diagrams of this machine.

I finished translating the journal, most of them being entries of another failed experiment. The DT extractor. From what the book says, DT is a human trait that is also known as Determination. It says that it allows them to manipulate time. In the presence of other magical beings with weaker Determination levels, like monsters, they can set up time loops. And when desire they can...reset.

This scientist talks about making artificial Determination and injecting it into monsters. My own soul hurts at the thought of being injected with pure power. Only because later in the journal it explains what happens if a monster has too high of levels of Determination. They melt. Their body can no longer support the power of that much Determination and they become a puddle of goo.

I grip the pencil tighter at the thought of just melting. Being filled with so much that your body becomes unstable. You slowly but surely lose control of yourself. Unable to control yourself or your movements, but be completely aware of what is happening. And to me that sounds like the worst way to die. Slowly dissipating into a melted puddle of yourself. It almost feels as if it would come out of a horrid nightmare.

I flip the pages back towards the front, not wanting to read anymore about those experiments. Instead I begin to analyze The Multiverse Theory. Even though it only has a few pages in explanation, it seems to intrigue me the most. Probably because I have some experience in the field, with making alternate universes and all.

I already knew a lot about AU's to begin with, but there was one thing  in this journal that I never thought to ask about. A big question mark that has been proposed by this scientist.

The Multiverse Theory. According to this, a Multiverse is a compilation of Alternate Universes. In an Alternate Universe there has to be an event that causes... wrinkles in the original Universe. For example, a human continues to reset the time line. That action causes energy for me to manipulate to make into an AU. And that's why I get very energetic. I become a...vessel of sorts for all that universe warping energy.

But creating a Multiverse would also have to be intentionally created. It would have to have the combined power of resets, and power from an outside source. Like an ethereal being. Someone who is outside of the AU's and outside the influence of a human's magic. When you have all that energy, you would need someone to channel it. Huh, I guess that would make me and Error ethereal brings.

After a few moments of thinking my mind comes up with a few theories of its own. Error and I  are Ethereal beings, but we are also doppelgängers of Sans. did we get the power to live outside of the human's resets. Who gave us this position of power?

"Ink, can I have your key for the symbols?" Sans asks, still digging into the machine. I grab the sheet of graph paper and get out of the chair. I check the wall clock on my walk over to him. It's currently 8 o'clock and I hope that Error is almost done in the Judgement Hall.

"Do you want me to translate those diagrams for you?" I offer, sitting on the ground. He denies my offer with a, "no it's fine, I can do it." He has both hands and one good eye socket in the bowels of the machine. Instead of leaving him to work on the key, I drag the diagrams of the machine across the floor. I grab an old pencil that was in Sans' tool box and start translating the diagrams for him.

He doesn't object.

It takes me only 5 minutes or so to write corresponding letter to for each symbol. When I am done, I hold them out to him. He wipes his hands on his jacket and takes the translated papers. All he can do is read and reread the words. When you translate letter for letter, you don't really get to ready what it says. So I am dying to find out what Sans thinks of its information. But his facial expression is underlined with worry as he gives his review.

"Ink, this isn't good."

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