Old Stories

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The Destroyer

When I close the door behind me, I expected to have a strait shot to the Judgement Hall, and then to Asgore. What I didn't expect was to be stopped. Bombarded by the monsters' greetings, my stress levels increase.

I try to make my way around them, but they only block my way. "Excuse me, I need to get around you. I'm kind of in a hurry." I press. But instead of letting me pass, they initiate conversation. "You must be new to this place, it's nice to meet you." A Frogit says politely.

I engage panic mode. But before I can quickly stumble on my response, he continues. "A long time ago, a human fell into the ruins..." He starts his tale. Having been to several AU's I have heard pieces of this story. The story of the first human. And right now is not a time to revisit that. I walk around him in an awkward manner and try to continue on.

"Injured by the fall, the human called out for help." The Frogit continues, as I walk further down the hall. I don't mean to be rude, but I don't have time for bedtime stories. I make my way around other monsters that appear. And each time they stand in my way, they continue what the Frogit had started. "Asriel, the Kong's son heard the human's call." I try to act as if I don't acknowledge what they are saying to me. But soon enough they try to corner me up in one of the dead end hallways. "He brought the human back to the castle-"

I slam the door in their faces. Tension rolls off me like waves. After a quick breath I realize I had locked myself into one of the King's rooms. One of his private rooms. I hear the monsters' shuffling in the hallway. And time seems to stand still as I scan the room. The room is framed with two twin beds and a dresser. But the most curious thing would be the boxes on the floor.

With my back pressed against the door, I know I would have to wait before those monsters leave. So with that reasoning I walk through the room. Making my way around in a circle I notice key parts. The beds look as if they weren't slept in for a long time, the clothes seem to have been barely worn, and the picture of the Royal Family contains an out of place member. A human. I know that they had rescued her. But I guess I never realized how much they had...loved her. Accepted her. Really make her a part of their family. The Royal Family that led the monsters in a war against humans.

If a Human can be accepted into this family f monsters. Then maybe...no, that won't happen.

I put the frame back on the desk and look back at the two boxes. Curiosity powers me to open them. The first one I opened, contained an object that shouldn't be in a child's room. It was a dull and rusted knife. I don't even have the guts to take it out of the box before I close it.

The second box had the wheels in my mind turning. It was a golden locket with the words, Best Friends Forever. Rotating it around in my boney hands I see that it hasn't been worn for a while. With a few scratches and it being completely tarnished, I have the heart to try to clean it with Ink's scarf. But before I can put it back, there is an aggressive knock at the door. And in my panicked haste, I shove it into my pocket.

Before I can do anything else the door opens. "Over time Asriel and the human became like siblings." The Frogit chimes. Not wanting to look like I went through their stuff, I follow the monster out the door. But that doesn't mean the gold locket weighs in my pocket heavier than lead.

"The Underground was full of hope." It says as we go down New Home's stairs. With each step my mind's fantasies grow. I wish I could have remembered being in my universe when the human fell. Would my brother have been full of hope?

Before I could add on to those daydreams, the Frogit stops. I don't know why, since I could almost see the exit. Maybe it was because of what he said next still traumatizes him to this day. When he speaks of this event his mind fogs up and he becomes numb to the world.
"The human became very ill." He said quietly. But the frog creature didn't stop there. "The sick human had only one request, to see the flowers from their village."
He  follows this sentence with a pause of grief.

"But there was nothing we could do." It says bitterly. The newly found anger doesn't strike me with surprise. Only because I know what comes next.  "The next day..." I know how this story ends. I know the unspoken curse that this illness has caused...

"The Human died."

One death caused the start the curse of sadness and violence. The loss tore the Royal Family apart. But it seemed to hurt the next fallen humans worse. Only because from then on, their cries were never answered. They were never given help. They weren't accepted with loving arms into a new family. Cause the first
Human's death caused something worse than negligence.

It started the march of death.
Their music can be heard the loudest of all,
in the golden light of the Judgement Hall.

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