Souls and Unanswered Questions

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"Yeah...I'll be the judge of that." Sans says getting off the couch. Ink had just explained how we got to this point. You know, with the machine exploding, waking up, coming here. At least Ink had the common sense not to spill the bones about my past, or at least the lack of past. He even didn't tell him about the pain, which I was kind of surprised...but grateful.

Sans approaches the two of us. I immediately try to move back, but stupidly remember that I'm on a couch. Ink shares in the same concern as I, but I'm feeling more fear at this point. He gets 2 feet away from us. Even with is short stature, he almost looms over his. He holds out one hand and one flashing eye. And says something I wasn't expecting, or hoping for. "Hold our your souls." thank you, we just met. It's like, I've been to your AU, it's nice. But you don't know me.

Ink does what he says and with a shaking hand holds his soul. For the first time ever seeing his soul, calling it shiny would be an understatement. It was whole and illuminated almost the entire room. "Your turn." Sans says calmly. My uninjured hand clutches at the shirt over my soul. I don't want to do this, but if it gets him to help us...then I have to.

My hand is held out steady, ready to withdraw if an incoming attack. And slowly my soul comes out. Staring at it, I avoid his eye contact. I already knew it wasn't good, I just try not to look at it. But staring at it now, compared to Ink's...the error signed that surround it makes it evident that its mine. Little hairline fractures barely show the damage caused by time. Time when I had to over use my magic to overcome dire situations.

I don't meet them in the eyes until Sans starts to talk, "I see now, but how could this have happened? How were you able to swap your souls?" He asks us, and himself. "See, the soul is what makes up a monster, it was a miracle neither of you turned to dust." He says in disbelief. He goes back and sits on the couch, his legs appearing weak from under him. As soon as he leaves, I let my soul go back into Ink's chest.

How did this happen? "We have no idea." Ink says, also reeling his soul back in. Ink plays with the edges of the papers in his lap. "This all happened in the True Lab, and we found some notes regarding the machine that caused the blast." I explain to him. Ink quickly gives him the papers. I see Ink's hope grow as Sans goes through the stack. "See, we know that someone connected to the Royal family worked there. We just don't have a name, or really anyway to decipher the papers." Ink says pushing up his glasses.

It's weird to see yourself in a 3rd person perspective, but it was even weirder having to tell someone about it. "We found out that the first papers that I had found was from this AU. So, we thought that you would have an idea of who wrote them." I say gesturing to them with my right hand. Sans nods slowly in his sleep deprived state. Before he has a chance to get through all of them, Papyrus marches in.

"Brother, the food is ready!" He announces, regaining, what I assume, is his hospitable mannerisms. Sans looks at the both of us and answers, "yeah bro, looks like they may need some grub." He sets the papers, upside down, on the in table next to the lamp. He lethargically gets up and ushers us to follow. Wow, looks like I won't need to eat my chocolate for breakfast.

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