Heavy Metal

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The Creator

I never wanted to come back to this place. But I knew when I saw my red-yellow fingers, that I would forever be burdened. Burdened with the weights of Error's curse and the questions of how this could have happened.

Sans starts to work on the machine, taking off a few panels and then groaning in frustration. The little emotion that I feel, tends to only be frustration. What little emotion I feel. That little emotion being strangled by the constant pain of desire. Desire to destroy.

And the pain that accompanies it. The pain pulls in my emotion so far into sea to where I can barely feel it. And then it crashes. Hard. Waves of darkness crust like bricks and drag me under. I am paralyzed. Tossed in an ocean, not knowing how to swim.

But the most terrifying part is waiting on dry land. I am a ghost, a husk, of who I was. Responsive, but hollow. That's when the breeze of lies comes in. The whispers of doubt, bouncing out in a desert. The thoughts that I will never feel the same or make anything again.

That's where I am right now. Standing in the middle of dry sand. Waiting. Knowing that the roar of waves are growing in the distance. There is more than just a machine and symbols. Just like there is more outside of the Underground. But more does not mean good. And that seems to be the lesson I have taken from being Error...

More attention doesn't equal good attention. More time doesn't mean you will have a good time.
More hope doesn't mean that it will come true.
More emotion doesn't mean that it will be good.
More creations doesn't mean that it won't need to be destroyed.

Maybe this is why we were swapped. We needed to figure out how we work. Why we react the way we do. Really walk a mile in their shoes.

Error, I get it now. But just because I accept it doesn't mean I have to like it. Only because when you accept something as a problem, doesn't mean we are able to fix it. Picking up a wrench I step towards the machine. Feeling the weight in my hands gives me a sense of determination. The determination that gives me the power to continue. Even if I have no idea of how to help Error in the long run, I know how to help him now.

I need to tether myself down and get ready for the next wave. Now is not the time to complain. My hours are numbered and so are our chances. Walking over to Sans I offer a hand. It's time for me to help, especially since I hadn't helped before. Sans smiles at my offer and nods. He shows me what panels to take off for his inspection.

With each turn of the wrench, metal pulls on metal. Being able to do something helps tie me down. Taking small steps toward success helps blaze my path.

I don't know if the direction we are going in is right. But that doesn't mean I won't jump in head first.

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