Hidden Behind A Closed Door

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Our operation ended up being relocated from the living room to Sans' room. First of all because we didn't want to wake Papyrus up again and second, because there was more work room. We moved all the junk that's on the floor to the outer sides of the room, then we lay the papers out around us in a circle. With new pieces of paper ourselves, we get to work deciphering the code.

"How are we supposed to figure out a four letter word, when it literally could be anything?" I ask to myself. Of course Sans has to respond. "Just don't think of more science-y words. And we'll go from there." I roll my eyes when I hear Ink give a short laugh. We've been at this for almost 30 minutes already, with only minimal progress. The only thing that was beneficial was Sans name on the oldest paper. And he didn't even recognize it!

I asked him why he would be in the True Lab and why he would have been involved with all of these experiments. He came up as clueless as us. The three of us sitting back to back, we rotate the papers we brought. Ink currently has possession of the illegible mess, Sans has the one with the diagram, and I have the one filled only with symbols.

I can hear Sans scribbling notes of possible things it could have been designed for. Ink is angling the page in front of the lamp to try to see if he can read anymore. You know what I'm doing? Trying to decode an entire language. Who wants to trade?

My pent up frustration starts to beat down my wall of control. See, we don't even know if the symbols match up to a letter. They could just be symbols for things and we wouldn't even know! I set down my pencil and massage the bridge of my nonexistent nose. My hand is starting to get better and I don't want to lodge it through another wall. Even without Ink in my direct line of sight, I know he is starting to feel the effects of the unfulfilled destruction.

We need to figure this out and fast.

Before I could deem this hopeless, again, Sans speaks up. "Oh my God." He says to the paper. Me and Ink whip our heads around. "What did you find?" Ink asks quickly, eyes wide. Finally a break through. "I've seen these symbols." Sans says pointing a shaky finger. Written on the machine it's self were more symbols. I can't recall if I remember them on the machine itself, but any news is good news. "Where could you have seen this." I ask anxiously. This could be a big lead, or at least a lead. This could take us on a different path than just the papers. It will give us a chance to find more answers in this ever growing mystery. But his response to the question was answered with hollow eyes.

"The Judgement Hall."

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