Finishing the Chapter

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The Destroyer

I never wanted to wake up in fear of what I would awake to. A melted Ink? A Gaster full of malice? The True Lab?

I wake to laying on the floor. The floor of the True Lab...

No papers are scattered, nor is the floor impeccably clean. Instead it's covered in paint. Red paint. I get up in a sitting position. Still staring at the red paint on the floor. I go through every possible reasons why I would be back here. Back where we first swapped bodies.

I hold my head in my hands, my own hands. The last thing I can recall is Ink being violently exposed to the Determination. The vial of Determination that he had. I sigh, pressing my palms into my eyes. I can't help but be confused. And nothing right now can help my confusion.

I look up after a moment of reminiscing. I see Ink laying on the floor, back in his own body. Did Gaster fulfill his goal? The fact that Ink is stable, makes me doubt that he did. I try to shake Ink awake to see if he was okay. But he came up unresponsive.

I turn around to see the machine. The same machine, built by the monster, that had started it all. But the control panel is impeccably clean. The machine sits as if it hasn't been touched in decades. It doesn't look like it wasn't even tuned on..

How could this have happened?

Were we sent back in time? I go back over to Ink and hold up his right arm. There is no makeshift ace wrap, no shattered bone. It seems as if everything had...reset somehow.

I look at the wall clock, the time shows 6 in the evening. The time when I had came down here. We really were sent back in time.

I hear Ink start to wake up. Finally, I can ask him if he knew what was going on. "Get up lazy bones." I joke quietly. I have my hand on my throat, getting used to my glitchy voice again. Ink's eyes snap open and he pushes himself away from me.

"What are you doing?" He asks in a fearful manner. I lean back, confused about why he is acting so strange. I hold my hands up as he stands off the ground. I quickly follow suit. "What am I doing here?" He asks defensively.

I tense up. "I was going to ask you the same question." I say with a stressed laugh. I rub my forehead with my hand. "Do you remember anything after Gaster..." I ask, in an open ended manner. I don't want to bring up any topic that would be traumatic for him. But all he does is look at me as if I was crazy.

"Who's Gaster?" He asks stepping further away from me. He is almost to the door and I wish I could prevent him from trying to run off. But all I can do is keep answering his questions. "He was the former Royal Scientist, that was trapped in the Void." I say, trying to jog his memory.

"Error, I don't know what you are talking about." He says holding his paintbrush. I keep waking forward, aware of what he could do if I sent the wrong message. "He had written these papers." I say pulling one out of my pocket. I shove it into his hands, not caring which one he saw. But to my dismay, I hadn't given him a paper at all.

I had given him the drawing.

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