Anger With Benefits

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I don't know how I should respond to that. And now that I think more about it, I probably shouldn't say anything at all. Silence is dense in the room and is almost to the point of suffocating me. But I knew that he still had questions and maybe showing him the papers will break him out of his trance. "Ink, it was only a dream." I say, breaking any of his assumptions about me.

"Yeah, right. The 'god' of destruction says he won't kill me. Very believable." He says with quiet sarcasm. I scoff, what is his deal? I literally let him stay in my home, I tell him about my life story, and then he mocks me?! He knows nothing about me or my life. He doesn't know how much being the 'god of destruction' is like. I don't get love, I only get LOVE.

"The only reason why you aren't going to end me right now is because I am in your body!" I retaliate.

Both of us are taken aback but what I said. But somehow I am blinded by building rage. "I tell you these things about me, and yet you still don't understand." There wasn't anything that stopped him from hurting me before. And I'm certain if we weren't in these circumstances, I would have been dead a while ago...

I don't know if Ink tried to respond, only because my vision was white with anger. I don't know where this is coming from and I don't know how to channel it. Instead I channel it with my fist and the floor.

The crack of bone sends a satisfying sense of fear to my soul. But seeing the pieces of bone lying on the ground brings back the suffocating silence. And not only silence but tears. I hold it close to my chest as I recollect what has just happened. Why did I get so angry? He was only joking, right?

"Error, we are in more trouble than I thought." Ink says after a moment. Confusion twists my face into a wicked snarl. Yeah, we are in a lot of trouble. "You know how you get headaches? Well, there is also a condition that I have too." He leads on. "I have trouble controlling my emotions." He says appearing what I believe to be is embarrassed.

"Your just telling me now? I just cracked your hand!" I comment. Making sure not to damage it any further I pull it away from my chest. There is a long crack from the side of the left pinkie almost all the way to the elbow. My disappointment in myself is almost as painful as the injury.

"Is your saying I feel things more...sensitively, than most people?" I try to conclude. He nods and it makes me want to punch my fist in another wall. "I know your...profession, causes you to have to be more apathetic. But that I can only assume is necessary." I nod, just to mimic his response from earlier.

This swap literally has taken us out of our comfort zone. "Now how do I control these emotions?" I ask with a tint of desperateness in my voice. I can't keep beating up walls like this every time I hear a sarcastic remark. Soon walls won't be the only things with holes. But his response is one that I didn't want to hear.

"Uh, I usually make something. And that something is normally a new AU." He says shyly with a smile. It's strange to see my face smiling, but it's not as strange as the idea of me creating something. Like I could ever make an AU! It would probably end up being stick figures killing each other, so I don't have to do it for them.

"That's funny, is there any other way I can release this pent up energy, without creating anything?" I ask, my voice hesitantly pleads. Ink shrugs, "I haven't found any other way." I don't know if he is telling the truth, or really he really wants to see me make something.

Ink grabs the blob of string that he cried earlier. "Here we can start with this."

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