The Judge and His Spaghetti

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I'm still going to have to eat that chocolate for breakfast. Only because I never knew you could get food poisoning from spaghetti. It is now 4am and I am sharing a meal with my archenemy, his friend, and his friend's brother. And let's just say, it's really awkward. I watch Papyrus diving in, Sans and Ink fight through each bite (since this isn't their first time), and me trying not to gag.

This isn't food that I've ever had before and I don't think I could ever have again. Before we had eaten Sans talked privately with his brother about how Ink (in this case Ink in my body), wasn't exactly who they had thought out to be. Even though that may have been what he told his brother, I can tell with the looks he's giving me now, he hasn't confirmed that for himself. He still has his suspicions. I understand why, but that doesn't make anything easier.

You know what else doesn't make things easier? This spaghetti. But at this point in my life I'm so tired and hungry, I can choke it down. "So Error, do you like the Great Papyrus's spaghetti?" Papyrus asks, with a self respecting demeanor. I almost answer before Ink interjects. "It's great Papyrus, thank you." I sigh to myself for that close call. It definitely wouldn't look suspicious of me to answer as Ink.

"I'm sure that you have a lot of spaghetti when you travel." Papyrus says, taking another bite. My breath hitches and Ink tried to hold up a smile. Papyrus covers my runs of destruction as 'traveling.' That's pretty funny since I was just thinking about vacation a few hours ago. "Of course, but so far yours is the best." I cover my laugh into the napkin. And I see Sans approve of Ink's complementing cover up. If this really is the best spaghetti, than I'm scared to try anything else other than chocolate at this point.

"Do you want to bring any left overs for your brother?" He asks. Thank goodness I had already swallowed my bite of spaghetti, because I would be choking right now. I fiddle with the paper napkin in my lap and wonder how Ink is going to respond. I believe he knows that I don't have a brother. But I guess Papyrus only assumes because we are an alternate universe version of him. But not all of us are that lucky.

"No thanks Papyrus, I appreciate the offer though." Ink says, trying not to make things awkward. I'm staring at my hands in my lap and I know Sans is wondering what has happened. He doesn't know that I don't have a brother. Or any family in this case. But his incompetence in the matter makes me feel a little better. There is one less person here to try to pity me.

"I am glad that you enjoyed the food." He says with a genuine smile. With Ink's vague response he realizes that it is a sensitive subject. If not for Error, but for me as too. Only because he saw my reaction when he asked. But Papyrus understands that somethings are better left unsaid. And that may be more comforting to me than any consoling words that could have been said. But for Ink, he seems...angry. As if he remembers what it was like to have a brother.

And what it's like to have him taken away.

All I can do is try to solve this problem and that starts with getting some answers. I put my paper napkin on the somewhat empty place and sit up out of my chair. I place both hands on the table, one on either side of the plate. I make eye contact with Ink and without words he understands what I'm saying. And his response is a quick nod and a commanding deliverance of words.

"Let's go."

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