The Judgement Hall

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The Destroyer

I stand in the Last Corridor before entering the Judgement Hall. If I wasn't a skeleton, my palms would be sweaty. But instead I fiddle with Ink's knitted ace wrap and try not to let my bones rattle.

This is it. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I finally get some answers.

I push open the heavy wooden doors and enter the hall. The soft golden light delicately touches the tiled floor. I can't imagine the biggest battle to be fought by Sans, to take place here. A place that so beautifully reflects everything good about monsters. But I guess even in a place like this, humans only look for the evil. Even if it's only projected evil, misplaced onto monsters as a stereotype.

Or that misplaced evil can be an excuse to make monsters fun targets.

I slowly walk down the hall. If I was here under better circumstances, I might have taken my time to sight see. I would walk leisurely down the hall, admiring all the stain glass windows and intricate details. But instead my eyes rapidly scan the hall. I'm looking for the symbols that Sans said he saw. And searching for them now, I should have asked where they were specifically.

I walk briskly down the hall, checking the front of every pillar. Then when I come up unsuccessful, I walk back to the entrance. I check the back of all the pillars. But there are no symbols to be found.

Standing in the entrance of the hall again, I wonder were I went wrong. I rub my uninjured hand across my forehead, hoping to relieve the stress of the situation. But just like the symbols, the relief did not appear.

I my gaze is zoned at the tiled floor as I try to think where I went wrong. Sans said he saw them in the Judgement Hall, and so far they are nowhere to be seen. I wrack my mind for answers and stumble upon a somewhat logically solution. Why would Sans be in the Judgement Hall? To protect the king from the human.

I speed down the middle of the hall. See, Sans would be standing here. I position my self a few feet away from the door. Looking straight ahead at the entrance, I still see nothing. This is Sans, what would he be doing before the human would come in?

I lean against the pillar like I was about to go to sleep, and angle my head up against it. Vast murals and intricate art are painted up there. Along with a simple phrase, written in those symbols. I mentally give myself a pat on the back, but I still have no idea what they mean.

I move off the pillar, my head still angled to the ceiling. With my hands in my pockets, I analyze the symbols. They seem to match the ones on the paper...that's good. But that still doesn't bring us any closer to what they mean. I probably should write these down.

I search through Ink's many pockets and miraculously he has a pen and a gum wrapper. But no paper. I try to draw the symbols as accurately as possible. When I finish writing the black ink looks sloppy, but legible.

I shove the pen and the gum wrapper into my pocket and rotate my head. All this staring up at the ceiling is giving me a crick in my neck. Before I continue on through the next set of doors, I look up once more at the symbols. They had been etched on in gold writing, encircling the Royal Family Crest. Why would these symbols be up here?

"It's pretty isn't it?" I hear a gruff voice behind me speak. I turn around so fast I almost get self induced whiplash. The larger than life figure stands only a few feet away from me. He holds a kind smile and the demeanor of a king.

It's Asgore.

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