Sleeping for answers

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It was dark. And I didn't see red. And that's all I really care about. I get up and rub my eyes, everything is...blurry? I see the outlining of a figure in front of me. And that's about it.

"Error, I had to talk you." A female voice said. I'm freaked out now. How the heck does she know my name? Her voice is so familiar, but for the life of me I can not put a name or face to it.

"Do I know you?" I ask. Now hearing the question out loud I want to slap myself. How nice of me to just jump to the point. I now look like I'm some sketchy semi blind skeleton without any manners.

But she laughs. And it sounds nice. But that doesn't mean I relax at all, cause I can't see. "You may have heard of me, I am Destiny." I'm more confused now.

"As in the future?" Ask, facing her general direction. "You could say that, but I have wanted to warn you." She says in a concerned tone. Is she going to warm me about Ink's creations causing pain? Then she would be a bit too late about that. "It's about Ink's creations." She says. Ha, called it.

"I want to warn you that it's not going to get any better. He's only going to make more." She says, hearing the words make the memories of the pain more real. "But I want to tell you why you feel the pain." There is a surprised look of shock that crosses my face before I could mask it.

"How do you know about the pain?" I ask in my rough voice. Her soft voice delivers sharp words. "Because I had to make you that way."

I choke on the words that come out of her mouth. How could she? Why did she? I-I can't. I feel something run down my face, before I could ask any of my questions, she hugs me. It feels familiar, but I can not recall another moment when someone had hugged me....

"I gave you this power because the multiverse needs it. The multiverse needs you, Error." She says, still holding me. Something continues to run down my face and onto her clothes. I can't make it stop. Why won't it stop?

"You are destined to destroy so there could be life. You are the only one that has the power to keep balance. For there can be too much of a good thing." She lets go and I feel my face not clearing up of the mysterious substance. "This is good bye for now, Error. Don't forget.........."

I wake up. The red is gone, but I can't even see my two hands in front of my face clearly. I place my hands on the floor of the anti-void and my left hand hits something. Glasses? I hold them in front of my face. They are red and circular in frame. I hate the color, but they are what I have.

Putting them on, the room becomes clearer. And I notice that something is running down my face again. I gently rub my hand under my eyes. They are tears. I have been crying. All the pent up sadness and stress does eventually come out. But it is my job to feel the pain so no one else has to.

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